Bloomberg's Carlson Accuses Lieberman of 'Violating Every Democratic Principle,' He 'Broke Iraq, Let Him Go Fix It'

On Friday's Political Capital, during a discussion of Democratic-turned independent Senator Joe Lieberman's retirement, Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson took a shot at him as she charged that, "Since he broke Iraq, let him go fix it," before suggesting that he be appointed ambassador to Iraq. After asserting that Lieberman "got a little bitter in his later years," she accused him of "violating every democratic principle" in running as an independent after losing the Democratic primary in 2006.

Kate O'Beirne of the National Review argued that the Democratic Party's inability to accept the liberal Lieberman as being liberal enough for them solely because of his stance on Iraq hurts the party's image on national defense: "And it just says so much about the modern Democratic Party. Boy, oh boy, if they don't have room for somebody like Joe Lieberman has, and then they wonder why they score so low when it comes to who do you trust on national security?"

Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Friday, January 21, Political Capital on Bloomberg:

AL HUNT: Speaking of gracious, Joe Lieberman retired this week. Margaret, what's his legacy?

MARGARET CARLSON: Well, I have the perfect job for him. Since he broke Iraq, let him go fix it, and I hope the President appoints him ambassador to Baghdad. You know, Joe is a nice old curmudgeon who got a little bitter in his later years. Why would he have expected to be nominated for the Democratic nomination in Connecticut after violating every democratic principle? So, you know, that bitterness came through with his buddy John McCain. But I think, you know, he goes on to, you know, his legacy with Don't Ask Don't Tell, I think, is probably a good way for him to go out.

HUNT: Kate?

KATE O'BEIRNE: Joe Lieberman, in the space of six years, went from obviously being the vice presidential nominee to being personal non grata in a Democratic primary. He is a very reliable liberal, Al, on taxes, on spending, on health care, on immigration, on cap and trade. His fatal, fatal action, given the Democratic left, was backing the war in Iraq. And it just says so much about the modern Democratic Party. Boy, oh boy, if they don't have room for somebody like Joe Lieberman has, and then they wonder why they score so low when it comes to who do you trust on national security?

-Brad Wilmouth is a news analyst at the Media Research Center