Brian Williams Highlights 'Incendiary' Attack on GOP by Dem Congressman

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts on Wednesday, NBC Nightly
News anchor Brian Williams gave attention to "incendiary" comments made
by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida, who charged that the
Republican plan for health care is that people should "die quickly" if
they get sick, prompting Republicans to demand an apology.
Williams seemed to signal his own disapproval of Grayson's words as
the NBC anchor introduced the item by remarking that "there's something
about this health care debate that makes some people say the most
incendiary things." After playing a clip of Grayson's comments,
Williams informed viewers that the Democratic Congressman not only
refused to apologize but "compared America's health care situation to
the Holocaust."
Below is a complete transcript of the relevant portion of the Wednesday, September 30, NBC Nightly News:
BRIAN WILLIAMS: There is more evidence tonight that there's something about this health care debate that makes some people say the most incendiary things. Republicans are calling for an apology from a Democratic Congressman from Florida, Alan Grayson, who took to the House floor last night and summed up his view of the Republican approach to health care.
REP. ALAN GRAYSON (D-FL): Do you want the Democratic plan or do you want the Republican plan? Remember, the Republican plan: Don't get sick - and if you do get sick, die quickly.
WILLIAMS: Grayson said today the only people who deserve an apology are those who have no health insurance, and he compared America's health care situation to the Holocaust.
- Brad Wilmouth is a news analyst at the Media Research Center.