Brokaw: Liberated East Germans 'Still Adjusting to Harsh Economic Realities' of Capitalism

Noting Monday's 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw claimed
Sunday's Today show that East Germans were "still adjusting to the harsh economic realities" of
life after communism. But a recent poll of former East bloc countries
by the Pew Research Center
actually discovered that the people of what was East Germany are
actually the biggest enthusiasts of the shift to capitalism, with 82%
approving, higher than any other ex-communist country.
Brokaw did note, however, that the current "center-right" Chancellor
of Germany, Angela Merkel, was "born and raised in East Germany,"
implicitly acknowledging that her youth spent under communism obviously
did not make her a fan of leftist economic policies.
The suggestion that capitalism is somehow "harsh" compared to
communism echoes what many liberal journalists argued after the fall of
the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. "The transition from communism to
capitalism is making more people more miserable every day," CBS
reporter Bert Quint argued in 1990
"After four decades of standing in communism's food lines,
capitalism has created a new place to wait: at the unemployment
office," NBC's Mike Boettcher claimed later that same year. For a full
run-down of how the media reacted to the fall of communism, check out
the MRC's new Special Report, "Better Off Red?"
After Brokaw related what he saw
20 years ago as an eyewitness to the Wall coming down, co-host Lester
Holt asked him, "how do Germans today remember that event and the
reunification that followed?"
Brokaw replied:
Well, you have to remember that there's a whole new generation of Germans who have been born since then. Those who were alive at the time - they're still finding their way, trying to find their way into a new Germany in the 21st century. Many who were raised in the East are still adjusting to the harsh economic realities, especially during this economic downturn. What was once West Germany decided to have a unified Germany - that was a big economic burden for everyone. So I think that this is a country still in search of its identification, and as a result is looking more inward than it is outward.
A few minutes later, Brokaw stumbled as he announced the list of VIPs who will take part in the anniversary ceremony:
There'll be the leaders of the present and the past. Mikhail Gorbachev - whom I saw last night - will be here. Dmitri Medvedev, who is the new president of Russia, obviously; Harold Brown from Germany - pardon me, from Great Britain; Hillary Clinton will represent President Obama here, President Sarkozy of France; of course, Angela Merkel from Germany, the first woman to be chancellor of this country, born and raised in East Germany, now a center-right politician. So it will be an all-star line up as they take stock of where we've been, where we are now, and maybe even try to determine where we may be headed from here.
Of course, Harold Brown was Jimmy Carter's Secretary of Defense in the 1970s. Britain's Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, and he will be among the speakers in Berlin this year. Merkel invited President Obama, but he is sending Clinton instead.
-Rich Noyes is Research Director at the Media Research Center.