Evan Thomas on Ending Bush Tax Rates: 'God Knows the Federal Government Desperately Needs that Revenue'
Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas, who announced a few weeks ago his intention to leave the financially-failing magazine and teach journalism at Princeton,
issued a ringing call - in defense of federal spending - for why he
hopes Congress and President Obama cannot agree on extending any of the
Bush tax cuts, so income tax rates rise next year:
God knows the federal government desperately needs that revenue, so this is one case where I think gridlock is a good thing.
Not exactly in line with the thinking of Tea Party voters. (Audio: MP3 clip)
this weekend's Inside Washington, the magazine's former Washington
bureau chief, Assistant Managing Editor and, most-recently,
editor-at-large, encapsulated the political/media class's priority -
keeping government spending safe - as he argued: