Ex-Girlfriend Accuses Leftist Billionaire Soros of Violence; NBC Carries Story But Omits His Politics

NBC's Today show on Friday managed to avoid any ideological labels for a story on violence charges against the very liberal George Soros. Instead, reporter Mike Taibbi simply described him as "rich." In contrast, Good Morning America identified Soros as "liberal."
Both Today and ABC's GMA covered the story of Adriana Ferreyr, Soros' 28-year-old ex-girlfriend who is claiming that the left-wing billionaire choked her and reneged on an offer to purchase an apartment. Yet, Taibbi never mentioned the ideology of Soros or the millions of dollars he's given to left-wing causes.
However, even former Democratic operative turned GMA host George Stephanopoulos explained that Soros is "usually in the headlines for his philanthropy and his politics, supporting liberal causes."
Later, reporter Andrea Canning reiterated, "Soros, who gives away $800 million a year to charity, and is a major contributor to liberal and Democratic causes, denies all the allegations."

NBC's Taibbi offered only bland descriptions, such as asserting, "And he is one of the world's richest a most powerful men with an estimated "14-plus billion dollars." The Today news anchor, Lester Holt, simply deemed Soros a "billionaire."
Taibbi did explain that Ferreyr is alleging violence, claiming that Soros "slapped her, threw a lamp at her, and tried to choke her." She's now suing him for $50 million.
Soros' reach is quite expansive. The billionaire's funding of left-wing media outlets reach more than 300 million people, the Business and Media Institute (a part of the MRC) found.
Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor also noted that 30 major news organizations have connections to Soros.
A transcript of the GMA segment, which aired at 7:44am EDT on August 12 can be found below:
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: George Soros is one of the world's richest men, worth $14 billion and he's usually in the headlines for his philanthropy and his politics, supporting liberal causes. But now he's getting some unwanted attention, getting sued by an ex-girlfriend who said he promised her a multimillion dollar apartment and then took it back. ABC's Andrea Canning here with this story.
ANDREA CANNING: Adriana Ferreyr claims he broke the news in bed that he gave one of actually two apartments to another woman. She also says she was the victim of extreme and outrageous harassment by the billionaire. His people say this is nothing more than the shakedown of a very wealthy man.
GEORGE SOROS: I think people have to make up their own minds.
CANNING: He's the 80-year-old billionaire financier. She's the 28-year-old former Brazilian actress, seen here in the telenovela Marisol. The drama between ex-lovers George Soros and Adriana Ferreyr is as explosive as a soap opera with Ferreyr suing Soros for $50 million.
ROBERT HANTMAN (Ferreyr's attorney): He made promises to her which he intended never to keep.
CANNING: In this steamy lawsuit, her attorney alleges the fighting started over a $2 million Manhattan apartment she claims he promised her. Quote, "They were laying in bed when Soros bluntly informed her that he had given the apartment to another woman and an argument ensued. Soros slapped Ferreyr across the face and proceeded to put his hands around her neck in an attempt to choke her." In a police report, she said he attempted to hit her with a lamp. Ferreyr said she became extremely traumatized. She claims they later made up but he reneged a second time on a promise to buy another apartment. Some are going to look at this and say $50 million? Give me a break. What do you say to that?
HANTMAN: There's the fraud. There's the intentional infliction of emotional distress. You know, quite frankly, this is the last thing she wanted to be involved in. She was hoping it would be resolved.
CANNING: Soros, who gives away $800 million a year to charity, and is a major contributor to liberal and Democratic causes, denies all the allegations. He fought back through his attorney who tells ABC News this is, quote, "an attempt to extract money from my client who is known to be a very wealthy man. Police investigated the August 2010 incident and concluded that no assault occurred."
WILLIAM BESLOW (legal expert): Husbands and wife, boyfriends and girlfriends breaking promises. Sure, people's feelings are hurt but you can't sue for that.
CANNING: Soros' camp tells me she's a gold digger.
HANTMAN: I'm not surprised by what they said.
CANNING: Is Adriana a gold digger?
HANTMAN: This is not the typical party girl. This isn't someone who runs around from person to person. She was committed to him.
CANNING: Ferreyr also says she fears for her safety, which only heightens her emotional distress and anxiety. The lawsuit alleges she's being stalked by Soros' security detail. His spokesperson tells me she is a liar.
— Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.