Former ABC Reporter Jami Floyd Mocks Sarah Palin as an 'Extraordinary Ass' on MSNBC

Former ABC reporter Jami Floyd on Friday appeared on MSNBC and slammed Sarah Palin as an "extraordinary ass." The journalist's attack didn't register much of a shock with Jansing and Co. host Chris Jansing. She simply wondered if the profanity was "allowed" in the morning hours.

After ex-Republican Governor Frank Keating touted Palin as extraordinary talent, Floyd, who also worked for the Clinton White House, blurted, "I say she's an extraordinary ass, frankly."

The reporter then justified her insult, asserting, "We're all grown ups. I think the grown ups are watching. The kiddies are in school."

Floyd has a history of attacking conservatives. Introducing a piece for the November 28, 2001 20/20, she scolded, "Since September 11, the word 'terrorist' has come to mean someone who is radical, Islamic and foreign. But many believe we have as much to fear from a home-grown group of anti-abortion crusaders."

Floyd has also been awarded Planned Parenthood for America's Maggie Award, which the organization's website touts:

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) Maggie Awards recognize exceptional contributions by the media and arts and entertainment industries that enhance the public's understanding of reproductive rights and health care issues, including contraception, sex education, teen pregnancy, abortion, and international family planning.

MSNBC's graphic described Floyd as a "former Clinton advisor." A second graphic mentioned "fmr. Justice corr." She now works for Tru TV.

[Thanks to MRC intern Alex Fitzsimmons for the video clip.]

A partial transcript of the segment, which aired at 11:42am EST, follows:

CHRIS JANSING: Nobody is arguing the fact that she's got the it factor. Nobody is arguing the fact that she has taken this vice presidential nomination and really run with it. But, again, could she beat Barack Obama?

FRANK KEATING (R-OK, former governor): I think that Barack Obama is an extraordinary politician, but he's had extraordinary problems. He's had real challenges in foreign policy. We've seen that recently, and certainly domestic affairs. A lot of people are mad about Obama Care and supposed to hold down health care costs and health care costs substantially higher. So, I think the Tea Party movement and the conservatives for Sarah. The issue is where the independents will go. If they nudge Sarah Palin's way, assuming she is a candidate, I think she can defeat him. But right now it will be very, very difficult. A lot of people don't know that much about her. But, still, an amazing political climate we find ourselves in. Absolutely is. JANSING: It absolutely is. And, Jamie, you know, the Vice President was laughing but he made the point that a lot more people are making which is she has been underestimated before.

JAMI FLOYD: Never underestimate your opponent and the governor says she's an extraordinary asset to her party. I say she's an extraordinary ass, frankly. I think-

JANSING: Are we allowed to say that at 11:42 eastern time?

FLOYD: I'm sorry. Yes, I think we can. We're all grown ups. I think the grown ups are watching. The kiddies are in school. I pray, I pray Sarah Palin is their opponent for Barack Obama. The more the woman says, the more trouble she gets into. I don't know if anyone has seen it. You can see it on YouTube. Glenn Beck asking Sarah Palin who her favorite founding father is and she struggles to think of a founding father. Yes, she does. This woman is The Candidate from the old Robert Redford.

JANSING: That didn't hurt her. That didn't hurt her.

FLOYD: This woman is The Candidate from the old Robert Redford movie. She is a fascinating, fascinating figure and great fund-raiser. She is beautiful on camera and brings a lot to the table, but she is not the next president of the United States.

- Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.