Frothing Chris Matthews Denounces Tea Partiers as Haters Ten Times in Under Two Minutes

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday excoriated the Tea Party as full of "hate," using the term ten times in less than two minutes. Comparing the alliance between Republicans and the Tea Party to a union, he mocked, "Why would anyone marry for hate rather than love?"

The Hardball host derided, "...The marriage between the Republicans and the Tea Party is based on hatred, hatred of government, hatred of the Democrats, hatred of Barack Obama." In one minute and 57 seconds, Matthews used the word "hate or "hatred" ten times. [MP3 audio here.]

He summarized the lack of support for some GOP presidential candidates as being "Republicans [who] will not say what the Tea Parties live for, the hatred of government, of the Democrats, of President Obama."

Of course, many liberals and Democrats worked up a pretty good hatred for George W. Bush. But, perhaps Matthews has forgotten that.

A transcript of Matthews' May 16 commentary can be found below:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me finish tonight with the disastrous marriage of the Republicans and the Tea Party. Would anyone marry for hate rather than love? It's a hell of a question, isn't it? Terrible question. Why would you even ask it? Why on earth would anyone marry someone, hitch up with them because of hatred? Well, this is the exact problem of the Republican Party today. It got married, hitched up politically with the Tea Party. But, not because the Tea Party loves the Republican Party. Don't even think about that happening this week. No, the marriage between the Republicans and the Tea Party is based on hatred, hatred of government, hatred of the Democrats, hatred of Barack Obama. What's love got to do with it? Zip. You've got to be kidding.

Look at how the marriage is coming apart and you'll see what it was based on. Look at the latest CNN poll. It's got Donald Trump right up there near the top, inches below Huckabee, the other guy that just who dropped out. Trump was running on one issue, how much trash talk he was able to Obama. Wasn't born here, didn't go to school here. By the way, had bad grades, couldn't write very well, a con artist. All the imagery of anger at him. Anyone listening got the point. Look at how that rang the bell of the Tea Partiers? Why don't Romney or Pawlenty or the other mainstream Republicans talk like this, the Tea partiers want to know. Well, the same reason the mainstream media doesn't. Because it's not true. None of it. But, the Tea Partiers can't take it. The haters can't take it. And this is why they jump for joy with Trump. He gave them exactly what they wanted to hear, exactly what Republican candidates, mainstream candidates, can't say because it simply isn't true. All of it is hate.

And this is why the marriage is failing, why it's coming apart between the Republicans and the Tea partiers, because the Republicans will not say what the Tea Parties live for, the hatred of government, of the Democrats, of President Obama. They have to hear he doesn't simply disagree with them, but that's not one of them. It's evil, it's hatred of what works over there. And it's over there that spells political death for the Republicans. So, goodbye Trump and hello reality. If the Tea Partiers vote for the Republican next year, it isn't going to be about love and it's not going to be a walk down the aisle. It's going to come near the end, and it's going to be, "Damn it. I guess I have to vote for this guy just because I hate Obama so much." Not exactly a marriage made in heaven. In fact, no marriage at all.

- Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.