Major Nets' Evening Newscasts All Ignore Poll Showing Lowest Obama Approval Numbers to Date

The latest presidential approval poll shows Barack Obama's ratings at his lowest point of his tenure: 42 percent. But the three major broadcast networks took no notice whatsoever on their Wednesday evening newscasts.

Neither CBS, NBC, nor ABC reported the Quinnipiac poll results on their respective March 30 evening news broadcasts. The results, released Wednesday, recorded 42 percent of respondents approving of the job President Obama is doing, and 48 percent disapproving.

Multiple polls show higher approval ratings for President Obama, including an AP poll placing him at 53 percent approval and a Gallup poll at 49 percent. But contrast this with 2006 when all three networks touted a weighted CBS poll reporting very low approval ratings for President Bush.

In the past, one of the networks also went out of its way to report a Quinnipiac poll that cast Obama in a positive light. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, ABC's "Good Morning America" ignored the network's own poll to focus on a Quinnipiac poll showing favorable numbers for candidate Obama.

- Matt Hadro is an MRC news analyst.