Matthews Mocks GOP Candidate for Upholding 2nd Amendment Principles

Chris Matthews, on Monday's "Hardball," mocked Florida GOP Senate candidate
Marco Rubio for pondering, on his Twitter page, that the "situation in Iran
would be a little different if they had a 2nd Amendment like ours." Matthews,
completely missing the point that our Founding Fathers understood that it is
much harder to repress a free people that is armed, derided Rubio in the
"Sideshow" portion of his June 22 show:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Next up, a reminder to think before you hit the "send" button. You've all seen what's happening in the streets of Tehran. How people are getting beaten, getting hit with tear gas, getting shot. Take a look at what Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio of Florida posted on his Twitter page after watching those scenes that we've been watching. Quote: "I have a feeling the situation in Iran would be a little different if they had a 2nd Amendment like ours." Wow! Things would be different if the protestors had the Constitutional right to bear arms?! To fight back against the Iranian Guard? I hadn't thought of that. Then again it wouldn't really be a non-violent protest, would it Mr. Rubio, if the non-violent protestors were walking around with guns!
-Geoffrey Dickens is the senior news analyst at the Media Research