Matthews Mocks 'Motivational' Speaker Bush as 'Halloween Prank'

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, mocked former President George W. Bush making his debut as a motivational speaker as he laughed it off as a "Halloween prank, you know like toilet-papering somebody's house." After taking that jab Matthews proceeded to castigate Bush as "the man who got this country into two wars that feel like Chinese handcuffs right now," and determined Bush's legacy will be as the "reason" people voted for Barack Obama.

The following outburst was aired during the Sideshow portion of the October 27 edition of Hardball:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: We've seen and heard a lot about Dick Cheney since he left office, ya think? But not so much from his boss, or at least that guy who had the higher title all those eight long years. Well last night former President Bush The Younger, made his debut as a motivational speaker. I'm serious about this, although I think it has to be a Halloween prank, you know like toilet-papering somebody's house. Motivational speaker George W. Bush.

Now you might ask yourself what kind of advice could George Bush give to motivate anybody? This is the man who got this country into two wars that feel like Chinese handcuffs right now. He brought our economy to the brink of a second Great Depression and thought it was a good idea to torture enemies. In fact the only thing former President George W. Bush ever did to motivate people was to get them to vote for Barack Obama. Come to think of it, that may well be the reason he goes down in history. Seriously.

-Geoffrey Dickens is the senior news analyst at the Media Research Center.