Media Bias a 'Bigger Problem' Than Large Campaign Contributions, Rasmussen Re-Confirms

"Fifty-five percent (55%) of U.S. voters continue to think that media
bias is a bigger problem in politics today than big campaign
contributions, identical to the finding in August 2008," Rasmussen Reports found in a survey of 1,000
"likely voters" released on Tuesday.
Suggesting that perception of bias is of liberal bias, Rasmussen
determined "sixty-eight percent (68%) of Republicans and 62% of
unaffiliated voters say media bias is the bigger problem in politics, a
view shared by just 37% of Democrats. The plurality (46%) of Democrats
says campaign contributions are a bigger problem."
Citing earlier polls, the April 6 Rasmussen Reports summary recalled:
Just before the November 2008 presidential election, 68% of voters said most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win, and 51% believed they were trying to help Democrat Barack Obama. Just seven percent (7%) thought they were trying to help his Republican opponent, John McCain.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters say the average reporter is more liberal than they are. Eighteen percent (18%) say that reporter is more conservative, and 20% think their views are about the same ideologically as the average reporter's.
Hat tip: MRC's Anthony Kang
For more than 20 surveys
showing public distrust in the media and recognition of the media's
liberal tilt, check the "How the Public Views the Media" section of the
MRC's "Media Bias 101."
Previous posts about Rasmussen findings:
2008: "Rasmussen: '55% Say Media Bias Bigger Problem than Campaign Cash'"
2008: "By 5-to-1 Public Thinks Most Journalists Trying to Elect Obama"
January 2010: "Rasmussen Reports: Voters See Media as Liberal, Biased, Too Powerful"
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.