On MSNBC, Ebony Honoree Dyson: Obama's 'Brought Sexy Brilliance Back to the White House'

MSNBC publicized Ebony magazine's "Power 150" picks by bringing aboard two left-wing honorees, Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson, during Friday's 11 AM EST hour.
"To be on any list with Al Sharpton," Dyson, an author and sociology
professor at Georgetown University glowed, "is extraordinarily
beautiful." He proceeded to rejoice:
We have a man in the White House who has made, you know, thinking sexy, who's brought sexy brilliance back to the White House.
Dyson on MSNBC, at about 11:40 AM EST on Friday, November 20:
To be on any list with Al Sharpton is not a hit list but an it list - is extraordinarily beautiful. He is one of the most magnificent embodiments of the genius of our people to move forward in times of hostility and difficulty so I am honored to be on that list and I'm honored to be cited as an intellectual because in this day and age when we have a man in the White House who has made, you know, thinking sexy, who's brought sexy brilliance back to the White House, it's important for us to move forward on all and in all arenas, in all fields and especially within the academic and more especially within the intellectual arena.
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center