NBC's Turn to Fall In Love With Obama-Adoring Kid

Last night ABC News, as the MRC's Brent
Baker noted, showcased the "Why People Hate You Obama?" kid and on Friday's
"Today" show it was NBC's turn to be charmed by the Obama-adoring child. NBC's
Savannah Guthrie, reporting from College Station, Texas about Obama's latest
health care pitch and his upcoming joint appearance with George H.W. Bush to
promote volunteerism, squeezed in a clip of Tyren Scott asking Obama why people
hated him, when they're supposed to love him? After which Natalie Morales cooed:
"Alright cute kid there."
The following is the full report as it was aired on the October 16 "Today"
NATALIE MORALES: Today in Texas President Obama is joining former President George H.W. Bush in urging Americans to volunteer for community service. NBC's White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie joins us live this morning. Savannah, last night the President's focus though, was health care.
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: That's right. He was at a big dollar fundraiser for Democrats in San Francisco and he rallied the mostly liberal crowd saying, they may not love every health care bill up on Capitol Hill but that all of them do a lot to get more Americans insured. Earlier in the day he was in New Orleans, his first trip as president, and had this exchange with a little boy during a town hall.
BARACK OBAMA: Tyren Scott, what do you have to say?
TYREN SCOTT: I have to say, why people hate you and, and why, they supposed to love you and God is love...
OBAMA: That's what I'm talking about!...You get some of the credit when things go good and when things are going tough, then you're gonna get some of the blame. That's part of the job.
GUTHRIE: Some in New Orleans criticized the President for staying less than four hours but he made several trips before becoming president. This was his sixth visit to New Orleans. Natalie?
MORALES: Alright cute kid there. Savannah Guthrie in College Station, Texas. Thanks so much.
- Geoffrey Dickens is the senior news analyst at the Media Research Center.