Newsweek Editor Posts Bizarre Anti-Lou Dobbs Poem: Anchor Wants World 'Where Aliens Are Put in Stocks'

Newsweek senior editor Jerry
Adler on Thursday posted a bizarre
poem on the publication's website, mocking Lou Dobbs for leaving CNN and
insinuating that the cable anchor might be crazy: "So wily Lou has picked the
locks That kept him in his padded box And tiptoed off, in just his socks."
[Punctuation original to the poem.]
Adler, whose poem reads like a cross between Dr. Seuss and Calvin Trillin, also
trashed Dobbs and his viewers for opposing illegal immigration: "A network
just for frat-boy jocks? Where aliens are put in stocks And viewers pelt them
with big rocks Before each half-time show?" [Emphasis added.] He concluded
by speculating on Dobbs' future: "Could it be UPN, or Cox? They'd have to open
up Fort Knox We know Lou's crazy, like a Fox."
In addition to composing poetry, Adler also famously made this pronouncement
about the environment on December
31, 1990: "It's a morbid observation, but if everyone on Earth just
stopped breathing for an hour, the greenhouse effect would no longer be a
On December
20, 1993, the Newsweek editor provided this insight into the case of Lyle
and Erik Menendez, two brothers accused of murdering their parents: "Handsome,
but vulnerable enough to cry on the witness stand; rich, but facing an early
death in the gas chamber, 25-year-old Lyle and his 23-year-old brother are the
prototypical defendants of the Age of Recovery: people who kill as a cry for
help." So, Adler is tougher on Dobbs than he is on two murderers?
The entire poem can be read here.
[Photo credit: bio
-Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research