'Paging Dr. Obama' Makes It Seven Time Mag Covers Since Election for Obama

Time magazine's August 10 edition with President Barack Obama on the cover ("Paging Dr. Obama")
trying to heal the nation in a photo illustration as a physician,
wearing a white smock with a stethoscope around his neck, brings to
seven the number of issues the magazine's cover has featured Obama just
since November's election - make that eight for the First Family if
you add in June 1's genuflecting "The Meaning of Michelle." Amongst the
seven of President Obama: "Person of the Year" and Obama as FDR.
The frequent cover appearances led even Jon Stewart, a Bush-hater
who was thrilled by Obama's election, to quip Thursday night on his
Comedy Central show: "Time magazine is like O magazine, like Obama has
to be on the cover - it is like Oprah magazine. I think he's been on
like thirty times this year."
Well, not thirty, at least not yet, though at about once per month
Time will hit thirty Obama covers well before the 2012 vote. To
illustrate Time's predilection, I did some graphics work of my own and
created an image displaying the eight covers since the election.