Report: Liberal Dem George Stephanopoulos Edging Out Liberal Dem Chris Cuomo for Anchor Slot

The Daily
Beast on Friday reported that former Democratic aide turned journalist
George Stephanopoulos has now pulled ahead of ex-Democratic Governor Mario
Cuomo's son, Chris Cuomo, in the race to become the new co-host of Good Morning
America. Correspondent Rebecca Dana quoted an ABC source as saying, "It's
George's now to lose."
Dana added, "That both contenders are associated with prominent Democrats has
helped to add a campaign vibe to the contest for Sawyer's anchor chair." She
then gossiped, "There is a rumor floating around ABC that Mario Cuomo has placed
some calls on his son's behalf..." (Chris Cuomo is also the brother of New York
state's current Democratic attorney general.)
If Stephanopoulos does become the new host of GMA, there would potentially be
an opening at his old show, This Week. The Daily Beast asserted that the
contenders are Jake Tapper and Nightline co-host Terry Moran, a well known
liberal. On February
20, 2009, Moran famously provided this over-the-top comparison between
Barack Obama and George Washington: "I like to say that, in some ways, Barack
Obama is the first President since George Washington to be taking a step down
into the Oval Office."
A few years earlier, on November 6, 2006, Moran
rhapsodized about then-Senator Obama:
TERRY MORAN: You can see it in the crowds. The thrill, the hope. How they surge toward him. You're looking at an American political phenomenon. In state after state, in the furious final days of this crucial campaign, Illinois Senator Barack Obama has been the Democrat's not-so-secret get-out-the-vote weapon. He inspires the party faithful and many others, like no one else on the scene today...And the question you can sense on everyone's mind, as they listen so intently to him, is he the one? Is Barack Obama the man, the black man, who could lead the Democrats back to the White House and maybe even unite the country?
Current GMA host Diane Sawyer will be leaving in January to become the host
of World News.
To read a recap of Stephanopoulos' most egregious bias, check out the Media Research
Center's Profile in Bias.
-Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research