Wallace Shows Cheney the Today Show's 'Investigate Cheney' Protest Sign

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace displayed to former Vice President Dick Cheney how NBC's Today show on Tuesday had ended Matt Lauer's interview with him by pulling back to highlight an Amnesty International protest sign ('TORTURE IS A CRIME: INVESTIGATE CHENEY') in the crowd on the street.
Wallace wondered: 'What do you make of that? I mean, I somehow doubt that if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were speaking, they would have taken the shot and then suddenly a person with a sign would have been putting their picture up. I mean, simply, do you think there is a liberal bias in the mainstream media?'
Cheney, who seemed to have not seen the video before, chuckled as he repeated the sign's line, 'investigate Cheney.' Out on a media tour to promote his memoirs, Cheney demurred on a chance to condemn NBC News, replying to Wallace's liberal bias suspicion: 'Oh, I think there probably is. But I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.'
Earlier: 'NBC's Lauer to Cheney: You're the 'Most Divisive Political Figure in This Country in a Century''
From the September 4 Fox News Sunday:
CHRIS WALLACE: I don't know if you've seen this. I was watching your interview on the Today show earlier this week and I don't even know if you're aware of this. I want to show you – take a look at how it ended.
MATT LAUER, TODAY: Thank you for being with us this morning. I appreciate it.
DICK CHENEY, ON TODAY: Well Matt, I've enjoyed it.
CHENEY. Heh. 'Investigate Cheney.'
WALLACE: What do you make of that? I mean, I somehow doubt that if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were speaking, they would have taken the shot and then suddenly a person with a sign would have been putting their picture up. I mean, simply, do you think there is a liberal bias in the mainstream media?
CHENEY: Oh, I think there probably is. But I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it. I think those of us right-thinking conservatives find that there are a lot of outlets out there now on the media, on the Internet that give us ample opportunity for our points of view to get across and to be heard. It's the kind of situation with respect to my own circumstance, there is a lot of people who don't like me, don't like what I did in public life and disagree fundamentally with my views. It's okay. It's a democracy...