Warning: Rosie O'Donnell is Back - Well, Sort of, on Sirius/XM Radio

Rosie O'Donnell returns to the media today, but in quite a step down
the media ladder from national TV prominence - with a daily two-hour
show on XM and Sirius satellite radio she'll host from her Nyack, New
York home. "Rosie Radio is a radio show that is compelling, intriguing, unpredictable, and thought-provoking," the radio service proclaims of the program which will air three times a day on the "XM Sirius Stars" channel (XM 155 and Sirius 102) which also carries shows hosted by Barbara Walters, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, Depak Chopra, Judith Regan and Bill Bradley.
O'Donnell's as angry as ever, offering up this vitriol, in the guise
of praising President Obama for earning the Nobel Peace Prize, in an
interview with USA Today published last week: "But the fact of the matter is, the world stood up in unison and gratitude and said, thank you, perhaps
the beacon of light and hope that America has been for 200 years is
once again lit. It was diminished criminally by the last
Sirius/XM, nonetheless, promises: "Rosie Radio features Rosie's
trademark wit, wisdom and straightforward take and outlook on life.
Broadcasting from a custom-built home studio near her kids and her
crafts, Rosie invites SIRIUS XM listeners from across the country to
pull up a chair next to her to hear what's on her mind, and to tell her
what's on theirs." How cozy.
The show will run from 10 AM to noon EST weekdays, with re-runs at noon and 8 PM EST.
When she departed ABC's The View two years ago, the MRC compiled "The Full Rosie: Daytime Host's Long Record of Mean-Spirited Left-Wing Ravings," with ten videos. From the introduction:
As co-host of ABC's The View during the 2006-07 television season, Rosie O'Donnell used her daytime perch to push an array of extreme left-wing and anti-American views. Soon after her debut in September 2006, O'Donnell used the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to insist that "radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam." In a similar vein, she advised her audience: "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers," while suggesting that "the Patriot Act has robbed us of us our civil liberties in this country, that fear has taken over from faith in democracy, in the Constitution" In March, O'Donnell even suggested that the government was hiding the truth of 9/11 attacks, arguing: "Miraculously, for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible."
- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center