ABC Continues Shameful Blackout of Gosnell Coverage, Finds Time for Sno-Kone Battle
Forty six days after the grisly trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell began, ABC still has not uttered one word about the case. Gosnell is charged with the murder of four infants and one patient, yet the network has conducted a total blackout.
During the same period, ABC's Good Morning America has aired 53 segments and 148 minutes -- almost two and a half hours -- of coverage for other sensational criminal trials.
Although GMA hasn't found time to discuss the shocking details of the Gosnell case, the morning program on Thursday did tout the story of two rival Sno-Kone truck operators in upstate New York, the deeply irrelevant criminal complaints of "Sno Kone Joe vs. Mr. Ding-A-Ling." [See a picture above.] The other networks have given the Gosnell story minimal coverage, but ABC is alone in completely ignoring it.
The Media Research Center released a comprehensive look at ABC's lack of coverage on Monday. Since then, the NBC Nightly News, which previously skipped the trial, finally did a story on Gosnell.
Since Monday, Good Morning America has devoted an additional six segments to the Jodi Arias case, the so-called "break-up" murder. From March 18 to May 3, GMA has highlighted the Arias case an astonishing 28 times.
The details of the Arias case are shocking. They involve the defendant allegedly slitting the throat of her ex-boyfriend. If ABC can spend so much time on that, surely GMA can allow at least one segment for the babies that allegedly had their necks "snipped" by Mr. Gosnell.
The jury is currently deliberating over Gosnell's fate. Will ABC cover the verdict?
-- Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.