Barbara Walters on Journalists: You 'Don't Know Whether We're Republicans or Democrats'

According to veteran journalist Barbara Walters on Monday, the American public doesn't know whether "most" reporters are "Republicans or Democrats." The unbelievable claim came during a View segment on the passing of 60 Minutes journalist Mike Wallace.

Walters, who once recoiled at the prospect of the "scary" Sarah Palin becoming President, insisted, "But, most of don't know whether we're Republicans or Democrats or exhibitionists." (Exhibitionists?)

The comment came after comedienne Whoopi Goldberg insisted, "And also, the journalists today don't do what journalists did, which was keep their opinions to ourselves." [MP3 audio here.]

Without naming names, Walters, who once cooed to Michelle Obama, "You love" Barack, "don't you," continued, "There are journalists where the whole thing is how opinionated can you be?

Maybe Walters, who once lamented that Scott Brown replaced the "beloved" Ted Kennedy, was thinking of herself?

[Thanks to MRC intern Jeff Meyer for the video.]

A transcript of the exchange, which aired at 11:07am EDT, follows:

[On the passing of Mike Wallace]

JOY BEHAR: I don't think we're going to see the Walter Cronkite era again, which is what it was. Which is- There were only a couple channels at that time, too, right, Barbara?


BEHAR: Right. Now, you've got so many outlets that everybody's competing with everybody.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: And also, the journalists today don't do what journalists did, which was keep their opinions to ourselves. You always tell us about that.

BEHAR: Yeah, they don't do that.

GOLDBERG: We only saw Cronkite break once and that was at the death of Kennedy. That's the only time I remember him sort of stepping out and you seeing who he is.

WALTERS: There are journalists where the whole thing is how opinionated can you be?


BEHAR: There are others. Wolf Blitzer, for instance.

WALTERS: I will give my opinion here.

GOLDBERG: Yeah, occasionally.

WALTERS: But, most of us, do not- you don't know whether we're Republicans or Democrats or exhibitionists.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK [Deadpan]: I know you're a Republican.

-- Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.