Brent Bozell on CNN: Don't Air 'SEAL Team Six' Until After the Election
The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell told CNN on Wednesday that the
upcoming National Geographic drama "SEAL Team Six," produced by
Obama-supporter Harvey Weinstein and set to air two days before Election
Day, should not be released until after the election is over.
"If it doesn't have a political agenda, as they say it doesn't, and if there aren't any political purposes behind this, as they say there aren't, then simply put it off by two days," Bozell told CNN.
[Video below. Audio here.]
The New York Times reported Tuesday that thanks to editing, President Obama plays a "prominent" role in the film, heightening concerns that the film will sway voters before the election. According to the Times, the Obama-supporting Weinstein suggested some of the new footage of the President.
A brief transcript of the segment, which aired on The Situation Room on October 24 at 5:56 p.m. EDT, is as follows:
WOLF BLITZER: Mix Hollywood and politics, and you're bound to get some
controversy. If you get the National Geographic channel, you'll be able
to watch the latest example before Election Day. CNN's Brian Todd has
been taking a closer look into what's going on this time. Brian?
BRIAN TODD, CNN correspondent: Wolf, that example is a new movie about
the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. It's a TV drama set to air on
November 4th, just two days before the election. That timing, plus some
clips from the movie and the fact that it's backed by a well-known
Democratic donor from Hollywood, has drawn some political fire.
TODD: But the timing of the film's release, on November 4th, still
rankles some conservatives like media critic Brent Bozell, who has this
BRENT BOZELL, president, Media Research Center: If it doesn't have a political agenda, as they say it doesn't, and if there aren't any political purposes behind this, as they say there aren't, then simply put it off by two days.
-- Matt Hadro is a News Analyst at the Media Research Center