Chris Matthews Mocks Hannity's Rev. Wright 'Crap': FNC Thinks Obama Is a 'Black Revolutionary'

Hardball's Chris Matthews ranted on Friday that Sean Hannity and Fox News are spreading "crap" about Barack Obama and trying to turn the President into a "black revolutionary" with an "automatic weapon."

Of his competition on the higher rated Fox News, Matthews spewed, "And then he's like a black revolutionary with the automatic weapons, the big sunglasses, the beret. Right?...Is that Sean [Hannity's] image of this president?"

The liberal anchor prefaced his comments by threatening, "Let's do a psychoanalysis of this guy, Sean Hannity." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]

Mocking FNC viewers, Matthews imitated, "Did you hear that, dear? Come in here! Did you hear what Sean says? He's really one of those people."

Deriding Hannity's viewers as stupid, he marveled, "Somewhere someone must be believing this stuff, this crap."

Of course, considering Matthews's dismal performance on Jeopardy, perhaps he shouldn't be questioning anyone's intelligence.

A transcript of the May 18 exchange can be found below:


CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let's do a psychoanalysis of this guy, Sean Hannity.

DAVID CORN: Oh, please!

MATTHEWS: No, no. Is this showmanship or does he really have in his doubt- Does he really believe there's some other person under this guy we're watching?

MATTHEWS: You know, the image they must have in their heads- First of all, they love Alinsky because it sounds, basically, like a communist And then he's like a black revolutionary with the automatic weapons, the big sunglasses, the beret. Right? That's- Is that Sean's image of this president?

DAVID CORN: it seems to be-

MATTHEWS: Not this guy who likes to play golf- spends his free time trying to learn to play golf. There's a lefty. He's trying to learn. He won't even tell us his score. He's just trying to learn. There's a lefty if I ever saw one.

CORN: This is an imaging of the Bill Ayers. Sarah Palin saying he pals around with terrorists. It all goes back to this that he's not us. He's not American, whether it's because black or socialist or whatever he is.

EUGENE ROBINSON: We don't know what he is, but he's not us!

CORN: And we never figured it out! Now it's time to figure it out!

MATTHEWS: Look at Michelle. Doesn't she look like one of those lefties from the campus. Scraggly hair, hanging around the campus. She's a fashion plate. She's perfectly turned out.

CORN: No, no. She's the angry black woman.

MATTHEWS: That's what I don't see. They're raising perfect kids. They're all well turned out. They act like they're Mr. And Mrs Perfect everyday.

CORN: They have fooled you.

MATTHEWS: They're meeting in the middle of the night.

CORN: You've fallen for it. It's a ruse. And they're bailing out the banks!

MATTHEWS: Somewhere someone must be believing this stuff, this crap.

CORN: I'm sure it's good for ratings at Fox. Right?

MATTHEWS: "Did you hear that, dear? Come in here! Did you hear what Sean says? He's really one of those people."

-- Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.