CNN Contributor Whacks Pro-Life Group for Criticizing Portman's Gay-Marriage Support
GOP strategist Ana Navarro is a CNN regular and self-proclaimed "big tent Republican." Now she's ripped a pro-life group for being "incomprehensible" in
opposing Sen. Rob Portman's (R-Ohio) support of gay marriage.
Navarro is so much a "big tent Republican," she lectured opponents of same-sex marriage back in March to "get into the 21st century."
pro-life group Cleveland Right to Life (CRTL) had criticized Portman's
turnabout on same-sex marriage after his son came out as gay. The
group's mission statement,
released later, defended a "culture of life" against not just abortion,
euthanasia, and infanticide, but also same-sex marriage.
Explaining their broader mission, CRTL said they would "promote the
rights of the child to be nurtured and grow up in the best and most
stable environment possible which is in a stable home with a mother and
father who are committed to each other and their children through the
recognized societal contract of marriage."
So CRTL asked
whether Portman would also change his mind on abortion if his daughter
decided to have one. Navarro, reacted to this by calling their
"Comparing gay marriage & abortion" "dumb."
"Comparing gay marriage & abortion is dumb. How a pro-life group can take issue with @robportman is incomprehensible," she tweeted on Wednesday.
As a GOP strategist, Navarro is no conservative stalwart. Liberal comedian Bill Maher was astounded
by her generosity toward Obama last month: "You disagree with
everything the Republicans do but you are one of them. I don't
Back in March Navarro also mocked
those Republicans who make their opposition to gay marriage a "banner
issue": "They have to wave goodbye to the GEICO caveman and step out
gingerly and carefully into the brave new world."
She also gaffed when
talking about stay-at-home moms last month, suggesting that what they
do is "lean back...on a rocking chair with a mint julep."