CNN Smears Political Right, Labels Wisconsin Shooter's Racist Neo-Nazi Band as 'Far Right'
CNN associated a white supremacist neo-Nazi band with the political
right-wing as it labeled the punk rock band of Wisconsin shooter Wade
Michael Page as "far right."
CNN had reported Page's band named "End Apathy" as "white supremacist,"
"neo-Nazi," and as a "hate group." Yet it also repeatedly labeled it
"far right" on Sunday and Monday.
A Sunday piece reported "neighbors say" that Page "played in a far-right punk band." A couple of paragraphs down the label popped up again.
On Monday morning during the 11 a.m. hour, anchor Kate Bolduan stated that Page played for "this far-right punk band called 'End Apathy'." She used the label "far-right punk band" twice more to describe "End Apathy."
[Video below. Audio here.]
On Monday afternoon during the 1 p.m. hour, the CNN headline read "Suspect Linked to Far-Right Band."
And later during the 3 p.m. hour, anchor Alina Cho showed pictures of
Page performing in "what's being described as a far-right band called
'End Apathy'."
However, CNN also classified the band as a "hate group" and "neo-Nazi."
For instance, correspondent Drew Griffin emphasized the band's white
supremacist message. Page, he said, "was very much involved in white
supremacy, in white supremacy rock bands, and in white supremacy
festivals where these rock bands converge around the country."
A CNN headline during the 11 a.m. hour read "Sikh Temple Gunman's Ties
to Hate Group: Was member of neo-Nazi punk band, 'End Apathy'."