Conservative Legal Scholar Confronts CNN's Toobin for Defending Obama
The fact that CNN's senior legal analyst squared off against a
conservative legal scholar should be telling for the network's liberal
bias. On Thursday night's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin was
confronted by Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice
over his defense of President Obama's comments on a pending Supreme
Court case.
"Jeff, do you know another President of the United States during a case
that was argued and pending that made a statement about how the outcome
of the case can be and talking about unelected judges?" Sekulow grilled
Toobin. "And calling someone that would strike the law as
unconstitutional 'judicial activist'?"
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin has defended Obama for the appropriateness of his
remarks where he said if the Supreme Court struck down his health care
bill it would be "judicial activism" and "unprecedented." Toobin said
the comments were "completely appropriate and uncontroversial."
Sekulow took issue with the fact that the President was making such
remarks during a case that had not yet been decided. Toobin admitted
that it was unprecedented, but shrugged it off. "But I mean so what? I
don't think that matters," he insisted. He called the whole ordeal a
"phony controversy."
[Video below the break. Audio here.]
Meanwhile, Toobin also continued to excoriate the judges from the U.S.
Fifth Circuit Court who responded to Obama by making the Justice
Department write a single-spaced three page memo on the administration's
take on judicial review. Toobin called that act a "disgrace"
A transcript of the segment, which aired on April 5 on Anderson Cooper 360 at 8:20 p.m. EDT is as follows:
WOLF BLITZER: A very strange chapter in American history is unfolding
right now. And our senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin is right at the
center of it, along with the President of the United States. Jeff, and
we'll explain why in just a moment, is, shall we say, a little ticked
BLITZER: Jeff, first to you. Can federal judges be distressed by what
the President said without being characterized as deranged by hatred?
JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN senior legal analyst: Absolutely not. This is a
phony controversy from day one. What Obama said in its full context is
completely appropriate and uncontroversial. Of course the President
knows that judges can declare laws unconstitutional. His own
administration is asking the courts to declare the Defense of Marriage
Act unconstitutional. They declared laws unconstitutional every year.
Every first year law student, most college students know that. Obama
didn't suggest otherwise. He simply said under the precedence of the
Commerce Clause, which is what's relevant in the health care law, he
thinks the Supreme Court should uphold this law. There's nothing wrong
with that.
BLITZER: Jay, I know you disagree with Jeff on this. But if politics an
ideology permeated the judiciaries to really damaging levels at least
in some instances.
JAY SEKULOW, chief counsel, American Center for Law and Justice: Well,
look, I mean the damage here was the President of the United States
chastises, in essence, the Supreme Court of the United States on a case
they heard the week before. It was my friend Jeff Toobin who said last
week that the administration had a train wreck on one day and a plane
wreck on the next day in their oral arguments.
And then the President, defending his position calls justices that
would overturn an act of Congress, a law signed by the President,
judicial activists. Remember the rest of that quote says, unelected
Now the fact of the matter is this. A, the Fifth Circuit, did they have
the right to ask for that letter brief? Sure. I've had cases, we've had
an oral argument, and during the brief – during the questioning they'll
ask for additional briefing on a point. Are the judges – are a lot of
judges upset about this? They don't like to be called what the President
did. And the unprecedented aspect of this, in my view, Wolf, is the
fact that the President not only talked about judicial philosophy but
talked about a case currently before the Court that was argued, voted on
last week, opinions being written as when we don't know which way the
case is going to go.
It's going to be very close, I suspect. And I think Lawrence Tribe was
right when he said the president misspoke, because, Jeff, in – I
understand you want to take it to a broader context, which is what the
administration tried to do on Tuesday and Wednesday. But the fact of the
matter is the President acted and made that statement as if it was
shocking that a Court might overturn a decision or a law signed by the
President passed by Congress. And by the way, that was mistake number
one. Of course the Court can do it. Mistake number two, this is not
legislation passed with wide support. I mean, who are we kidding here?
This was closely divided in Congress and I suspect, closely divided the
Supreme Court.
BLITZER: It was along partisan lines, but the Democrats in the House
and the Senate had a significant majority. But Jeff, Lawrence Tribe –
SEKULOW: Five votes.
BLITZER: – your professor at Harvard Law School. A constitutional law
scholar, ally of the President, he'd said that presidents should
generally refrain from commenting on pending cases during the process of
judicial deliberation. Do you think the President regrets making those
TOOBIN: Well, I certainly couldn't speak for Barack Obama. I don't know
what he is thinking right now. I think the point is those of us who are
watching, those of us who are trying to be fair here, recognize that
this is a huge case, a huge issue. This is the signature piece of
legislation that he has signed as President of the United States.
And you bet he thinks it's constitutional. And he has every right to
say that. I think this idea that the Constitution and judges are these
delicate flowers that you can't – you can't criticize, you can't say
anything. They are very powerful people. The Constitution sets up a
system where they are insulated from political pressure.
What can Barack Obama do to the Supreme Court justices? He can withhold invitations to state dinners –
JAY SEKULOW, chief counsel, American Center for Law and Justice: Why did he have to make the statement?
TOOBIN: Because he's the President of the United States. And this is a pressing national issue.
SEKULOW: Well, do you know another President of the United States –
Jeff, do you know another President of the United States during a case
that was argued and pending that made a statement about how the outcome
of the case can be and talking about unelected judges? And calling
someone that would strike the law as unconstitutional judicial activist?
Can you name a president about a case that was pending that ever did
TOOBIN: I mean there are a lot of different pieces of your question, I think, you know, President Bush –
TOOBIN: The recent President Bush used to talk about judicial activism all the time.
SEKULOW: Not during a pending case.
TOOBIN: And judges not legislating from the bench.
TOOBIN: I mean, you know –
SEKULOW: Not while the case – not on a particular case, which was pending.
TOOBIN: Well, not on a case that was pending, but –
TOOBIN: But I mean so what? I don't think that's –
TOOBIN: I don't think that matters.