CyberAlert -- 02/02/2000 -- Bush Hit "Boulder," But Don't Go Right
Bush Hit "Boulder," But Don't Go Right; Pro-McCain Press; GumbelAid 2000 Correction: Number 3 in the February 1 table of contents plugged an item on how Tim Russert pressed John McCain "from the left about how he wants to return to 'back ally abortions.'" Ally should have read "alley," as it did in the subsequent item.
Most cable coverage stuck to horse race assessments, but some noteworthy and biased analysis came through and was documented by the MRC's analysts who stayed late to monitor coverage: Mark Drake, Jessica Anderson, Geoffrey Dickens and Brad Wilmouth. CNN's Bill Schneider attributed Bush's loss to a vote drain caused by Steve Forbes and Alan Keyes, Time's Margaret Carlson argued tax cuts don't resonate any more, Newsweek's Howard Fineman warned that Bush will now be hurt in the fall by having to go to the right in South Carolina, Geraldo Rivera conceded that even with him McCain's attacks on Clinton's "truth-twisting" actually "resonated" and Carl Bernstein both denigrated McCain's "rather reactionary record" and asserted "everybody knows McCain is right about" campaign finance reform. Before getting to the cable quotes, a note about the broadcast networks which offered little coverage, but more than there would have been if not for regularly scheduled news magazine shows. ABC delivered only a two-minute update at 8pm ET. CBS squeezed in interviews by Dan Rather with George W. Bush and John McCain at the end of the 9pm ET 60 Minutes II, but couldn't get the sound to work with Bill Bradley so had to dump him and Rather assigned Gore's absence to Gore running behind schedule. NBC had better luck as Tom Brokaw got all four live simultaneously for a few minutes of MSNBC's coverage which popped up in the middle of the 10pm ET Dateline NBC. As usual, Nightline provided analysis from two former Clintonites: David Gergen and George Stephanopoulos. Now to some interesting quotes from Tuesday night, February 1, cable coverage: -- Forbes and Keyes hurt Bush and tax cuts just don't
resonate anymore. Both themes were pressed on MSNBC and CNN as shown in these
representative remarks on CNN taken down by the MRC's Jessica Anderson. Time's Margaret Carlson opined during a mini Capital Gang segment: "Nine percent of people thought it [tax cuts] was important. It was way below the other issues, Social Security for one, which McCain is emphasizing, paying the debt. It just doesn't have the resonance it used to have. Now congressional Republicans have learned that it doesn't sell. Even in New Hampshire it doesn't sell. And, you know, it's not 'live free or die' anymore. It's New Hampshire dot com. It is a new New Hampshire and they don't feel the way they used to feel. It's not as conservative a state. It is a state that cares about issues that, Independents, moderate Republican issues." -- Going right will hurt Bush. During much of MSNBC's 8pm ET hour viewers were treated to a panel moderated by Brian Williams of Newsweek's Howard Fineman and liberal historian Doris Kearns Goodwin joined by ex-Clintonite Dee Dee Myers and Democratic activist Lawrence O'Donnell, with a brief appearance by conservative Laura Ingraham. During this time, MRC analyst Mark Drake noticed,
Fineman forecast dangers ahead for Bush: Of course, no such fears were expressed about Bradley going to the left to attack Gore. -- McCain has even swayed Geraldo, MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens noted while watching the special two-hour 9 to 11pm ET Rivera Live on CNBC. Geraldo Rivera admitted: "Here you have a man who said the 'truth-twisting politics of Gore and Clinton.' If any other Republican had said that over the last couple of years I might have gagged. Yet this man, this noble man, who is indeed a truth-teller. It resonated even with me." -- Don't ever forget, McCain is really a reactionary conservative, though there may be hope as he's "evolving." On Rivera Live, veteran reporter Carl Bernstein declared: "Something is going on. I mean I wrote about McCain, as you know, in the December issue of Vanity Fair and he has this remarkable appeal. He's a down the line conservative. He's voted for every item in the Contract for America and yet he has this appeal to centrists and even some liberal Democrats despite a rather reactionary record in many ways. He is evolving." -- On target on campaign finance reform. An exchange
from Rivera Live. At least everybody in the media.
-- During CNN's February 1 prime time coverage, CNN
analyst Bill Schneider assigned credit for McCain's success: -- Monday night two reporters for major outlets admitted their profession is in the tank for McCain. Here's an exchange from the January 31 Hardball on CNBC as observed by the MRC's Geoffrey Dickens. Host Chris Matthews: "First of all the press seems
to be totally pro-McCain, totally pro-McCain. Everybody I know seems to be
Making an appearance on the Imus in the Morning radio
show from New Hampshire on February 1, Dan Rather asserted, as transcribed by
MRC analyst Mark Drake: When's the last time you heard Gore boasting of his close ties to Clinton?
Here are most of the questions from the interview, as taken down by MRC analyst Jessica Anderson: -- Diane Sawyer: "Well, in this election season, Al Gore, the Vice President, has a couple of secret weapons. Some secret. They are his wife, Tipper, and 26-year-old daughter Karenna, who somehow, between law school and the birth of her first child, has also became a key advisor in her father's campaign. And we are so happy to welcome Tipper Gore and Karenna Gore Schiff this morning, joining us from Nashua, New Hampshire, their first network television interview together, mother and daughter. It's great to see you both. Mrs. Gore, after all these months, in a sense, today is the day it begins, the first primary in New Hampshire. What did you and the Vice President say to each other last night about your expectations of today?" -- Sawyer: "Karenna, every family has an intense
optimist and a pessimist. Which are you?" -- Sawyer: "Karenna, how angry is the family at Bill Bradley?" -- Sawyer: "Well, Karenna, I've got a question for
you, as well, just a family question because I was so interested to read when
you were growing up, your mother was instrumental in a couple, in more than a
couple of ways, but one was, you said, from early on, when you would sit and
watch Mighty Mouse cartoons, she was there leaning over your shoulder, telling
you what?" -- Sawyer: "And Mrs. Gore, when you were campaigning to make sure there were parental advisories on some music, were you ever worried that Karenna would be, I guess, isolated at school? Did the two of you talk about that?" -- Sawyer: "Alright, a quick question to both of you. We've read that you are both key advisors to the Vice President. Have you disagreed on anything ever and which one wins?"
In his January 27 CBS Evening News story Whitaker
stressed that Forbes's "hard line may secure Forbes a third place
finish here and end up hurting the Republican Party. Why? According to a CBS
News poll out today, for every woman in New Hampshire who says this:" Whitaker concluded: "The most pro-choice segment of the votingpopulation: independent voters, and most of those are and youcan't win here without winning them over and right now, most ofthem are moving toward McCain. No wonder he'd like this abortion issue just to go away." In fact, as the MRC's Tim Graham noticed, though the CBS poll found that 43 percent of independent voters in the Granite State agreed "abortion should be generally available to those who want it," an identical percentage said "abortion should be available but under stricter limits than it is now." Another ten percent thought "abortion should not be permitted," for a total of 53 percent in conflict with the liberal abortion-on-demand position espoused by Al Gore and Bill Bradley. To see all the questions and answers in the CBS News poll, go to:
On the bottom half of the front page, this headline: "Baseball Suspends Rocker Till May for Comments." On the bottom of page C-29, the front page of the sports section tucked inside the "Business Day" section, this headline appeared over an AP story: "Police Accuse Ravens' Lewis of Two Murders." Times reporter Murray Chass outlined the latest
development in the Rocker case: His offending words appeared in Sports Illustrated in December, the Times explained: "Talking about playing for a New York team, he said: 'Imagine having to take the 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing.'" Hardly enlightened, but not deadly as in the case the buried AP story outlined. The January 31-datelined AP dispatch began: "Ray Lewis, the Pro-Bowl middle linebacker of the Baltimore Ravens, was charged by the Atlanta police with murder tonight in the slayings of two people outside a nightclub hours after the Super Bowl ended." The Rocker story may have a local New York angle, but it still seems an odd news judgment. In contrast, USA Today managed to showcase both sports stories while giving higher priority to the double murder. "Ravens' Lewis Charged in Murder" announced the headline across the top of the sports section -- above the Rocker story which ran below it: "Baseball Suspends Braves' Rocker."
Gumbel's alleged stinginess prompted morning radio talk show host Don Imus, whose show is simulcast on MSNBC, to send staffers on Friday to the sidewalk outside The Early Show studios to hold "GumbelAid 2000." At one point, as shown on MSNBC, they sang a Gumbel-oriented parody of the We Are the World song. While his wife, June, remains in their suburban house, Gumbel now lives in Manhattan with another woman. Below are excerpts from recent USA Today and New York Daily News articles relaying conflicting charges from June and Bryant, followed by the lyrics to the song sung by Imus's crew and a New York Post story on how CBS had the police remove the pranksters. -- Jeannie Williams in her USA Today Life section column, January 27: After two years of estrangement, June Gumbel has filed for a separation from husband Bryant Gumbel and today will ask for emergency financial relief in Westchester Supreme Court in New York. "The poor woman is in my office; she's practically destitute," her lawyer, Barry Slotnick, said Wednesday. Slotnick portrays June, 51, wed 26 years to the CBS Early Show co-host, as maxed out on credit, getting just $250 monthly from Gumbel, and having depleted her savings. He says that while Gumbel has been paying college costs for their son, Bradley, 21, the son's phone was shut off recently for non-payment.... The former Today show star, who reportedly makes some $5 million annually, currently lives with former Goldman Sachs staffer Hilary Quinlan. June Gumbel filed this month for the separation, but Slotnick explains, "she was at her wits' end. When the (CBS) show started (last fall), she would not allow us to file anything. She didn't want to hurt his career. She's a very decent woman. Revealing all she has to tell about him in open court will hurt him as a TV personality. She didn't want to do that. And he looked at that as some sort of weakness.".... June lives in the Westchester home she owns with her husband, Slotnick says. She met Gumbel, now 51, when she was a flight attendant and he "had a broken-down pair of sneakers" and was seeking work. June, a deeply religious Roman Catholic, has been in touch with the New York archdiocese about an annulment, "but it doesn't look good," Slotnick says.... END Excerpt -- "Rush & Molloy's" column in the January 28 New York Daily News ran through the same charges from June, but then relayed Bryant's view: Bryant Gumbel's lawyer, Stanley Arkin, tells us that his client "will follow the court's order," but that he has been "sumptuously" supporting June Gumbel and their children, Bradley, 21, and Jillian, 16, in the four years since he began asking for a divorce. "June has cars, trainers, hairdressers, vacations," Arkin said. "She would go out and charge gobs of jewelry and cases of wine." Arkin also said that even though his client gave June Gumbel and their two children primary use of homes in Manhattan and Westchester County, she made his life "miserable" by "locking him out" of the Westchester pad. Arkin also disputed the claim of June Gumbel's attorney, Barry Slotnick, that the newsman was a "Scrooge" who gave his kids nothing more than "trinkets" for Christmas.... END Excerpt -- Friday morning, to mock Gumbel's situation, New York City radio host Don Imus sent his producer, Bernard McGuirk, and some staffers over to the sidewalk outside The Early Show studios. They held up signs urging people to contribute to what Imus dubbed "GumbelAid 2000." Just before 8am, MRC analyst Mark Drake observed, the group sang a take-off on "We Are the World" with lyrics geared to Gumbel's situation. The lyrics: We Are the World Hey, Bryant Gumbel There's a Choice You're Making You Are a Turd We Are the World Okay, not the most high-minded comedy, but you couldn't have a better target than Gumbel and it is pretty funny to see this going on just in front of a big picture of Gumbel above an Early Show window. So, Wednesday morning MRC Webmaster Andy Szul will post a RealPlayer video clip of the Imus gang singing this song parody. Gumbel's CBS colleagues didn't take kindly to the stunt, as Don Kaplan reported in a January 29 New York Post story caught by Mark Drake: Pranksters from the Don Imus radio show were threatened with arrest outside CBS's Early Show yesterday after they tried to collect money to help support co-host Bryant Gumbel's estranged wife and kids.... "Bryant Gumbel is a hideously unlikable person so [we'll do] anything [we] could do to [mess] with him," Imus told The Post yesterday. "We saw a need, and we thought we'd try to address it.".... They waved white plastic buckets with Gumbel's picture on them at passersby, asking for donations of canned food and money to help the $5 million-a-year TV host pay child support for his 16-year-old daughter and 21-year-old son.... Gumbel had taken the day off and did not see the episode. About 10 police officers showed up around 8:30 a.m. after Early Show Executive Producer Steve Friedman called 911. The pranksters were ordered to leave because Imus in the Morning did not have a permit to park its broadcasting truck on the street, Friedman said.... In her lawsuit, June Gumbel calls Gumbel a "serial adulterer." June Gumbel's lawyer, Barry Slotnick, told a reporter that a therapist has been helping the family cope with the Early Show host's relationship with Hilary Quinlan, a blond bombshell with whom he now lives. END Excerpt He's living Bill Clinton's dream life. -- Brent Baker
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