CyberAlert -- 02/25/2000 -- "Far Right Organizations"
"Far Right Organizations"; Campaign Ad "Poison"; Why Media Like McCain 6) Help produce CyberAlerts: Job opening at the MRC for a News Media Analyst. >>> The
February 24 Media Reality Check fax report, "Al Gore Benefits from the
McCain Frenzy: Media Suggest Bush's S.C. Victory Tilts Him to the Far Right,
But Ignore Gore's Attention from Far Left," is now online. The report
begins: "While most media eyes have been misting over at John McCain's
campaign against the Republican 'Death Star,' Al Gore has cemented his
hold on the Democratic nomination with important solicitations of the
party's hard left. Media outlets came out of Saturday's South Carolina
primary warning that George W. Bush's dramatic win with help from the 'far
right' would cost him in the fall. But would reporters pay equal attention
to Gore and the far left? No." Corrections: The February 22 CyberAlert quoted CNN's Bernard Shaw as beginning a question to George Bush: "Let's take a deep breathe and step back from the confetti and the cheering..." Breathe should have read breath. The February 24 CyberAlert referred to MRC Webmaster Any Szul. His name is Andy. Not just anyone in his family can post video clips. An item in the same issue about Good Morning America referred to "the 8am half how" instead of hour.
NBC's Tom Brokaw led with how Bob Dole, "the grand old man of the Grand Old Party, has stepped in now to say, 'enough.'" Lisa Myers examined Republican reaction to McCain's success and found more concern about Bush as she highlighted how "a moderate Bush supporter says he's alarmed that Bush is now publicly joined at the hip with Pat Robertson and the religious right." ABC's World News Tonight did not run anything about the day's campaign events, just "A Closer Look" segment on how independent expenditure efforts "poison" the political process. (See item #3 below for details.) Stories about the execution in Texas of Betty Lou Beets appeared on all the broadcast network evening shows, but only ABC delivered a politically-charged blast at Governor Bush for not doing more to protect criminals. (See item #2 below for details.) Now more on the CBS and NBC evening shows of Thursday, February 24: -- CBS Evening News. Dan Rather teased the broadcast: "Battle of the bandwagons. McCain rides high into California as Bush tries to keep the wheels from falling off." Rather subsequently opened the show: "Good evening. There are signs tonight that support for George Bush may be eroding. By how much one cannot accurately assess. The one-time heavily favored frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, is back home in Texas trying to figure out where he went wrong. John McCain is in California, going to the right, portraying himself now as a quote 'Reagan Republican' and the quote 'true conservative' in the race -- opposed to gay marriages and abortion and branding Bush a big spender as Governor." Up first, Gloria Borger talked to Rather and told him that the GOP hierarchy is getting nervous about Bush while Bill Bennett said McCain is the "best horse" to beat Gore since "this guy can win." Next, CBS ran an Eric Engberg piece on how Bush and
McCain are vying for support from moderates. Engberg argued Bush is behind on
that count because going to Bob Jones University and his alliance with Pat
Robertson have "raised questions." Former RNC Chairman nicely
offered as to how Bush is delivering an "exclusionary message"
before Engberg asserted: Engberg noted that 12 upcoming primaries allow open
voting, but that California and New York restrict voting to actual
Republicans. After citing no McCain weaknesses, but running a soundbite from
McCain on how Bush used to welcome Democratic support, Engberg concluded,
apparently referring to New York and California: "Long forgotten moderates"? One could argue that the emergence of Bush and McCain as the Republican finalists is a triumph for Republican moderates. Conservatives may be attaching themselves to Bush, but he's certainly never been considered part of the conservative movement. And I await CBS's first story on how Al Gore has won "the support of far left organizations." Later in the show Rather announced that "the New York U.S. Senate race is now tighter than the A train at rush hour." He briefly listed how a CBS News/New York Times poll put Giuliani at 47 percent over 46 percent for Clinton while 48 percent would like another choice. Rick Lazio, where are you? -- NBC Nightly News. Tom
Brokaw opened the show: Lisa Myers provided NBC's one campaign story of the night. She began, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: "Challenging a shell shocked Republican establishment, John McCain argues that by reshaping the party, bringing in independents and Democrats, he's Republicans' best hope to regain the White House..." Following a soundbite from a McCain ad declaring he's
a "proud Reagan Republican" and a clip of Senator Fred Thompson
claiming he's the first Republican since Reagan with broad appeal, Myers ran
through opposition points:
ABC's World News Tonight used the event as an opportunity to discredit the whole criminal justice system in Texas and portray Bush as a not very compassionate Governor who favors putting the mentally ill to death and is opposed to giving the condemned better legal counsel. As transcribed by MRC analyst Jessica Anderson, ABC's John Yang began his polemic: "Outside the Texas Death House today, a familiar scene. Inside, officials prepared to execute Betty Lou Beets. Texas leads the nation in executions; 120 while George W. Bush has been Governor." After a soundbite from Bush
about how all put to death during his tenure were guilty, Yang continued: Yang picked up the
argument: "Capital punishment critics say death row in Texas is full of
such cases, inmates whose attorneys were inept, even sleeping during trials or
using drugs or alcohol." Somehow I suspect those last two summaries of Bush's actions are a bit simplified.
For "A Closer Look" segment on Thursday's World News Tonight reporter John Martin looked at how in the primary season so far outside groups have employed phone calls, e-mail and snail mail to deliver their message against a candidate. He listed several groups who have been active in primary states, including Americans for Tax Reform, Human Rights Campaign, National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, National Right to Life Committee, though he called it the "National Right to Life Campaign," the Sierra Club, Christian Coalition and the National Smokers Alliance. Martin ominously concluded: "What makes this bad for democracy is that most of these tactics fly below the radar of reporters and poison what is supposed to be an open debate of the merits and policies of the candidates." As if the media are neutral observers who always deliver uplifting coverage that is never negative or unfair in a way that might "poison" or turn people off from the political process. How preposterous a line of reasoning. Virtually all network coverage of politics assumes politicians are manipulators just out for political advantage. On last Friday's 20/20 ABC's resident contrarian, John Stossel, offered a refreshing take on how those favoring restrictions on campaign money would trample free speech and empower the media, empower it for more biased reporting like that delivered by Martin. For his February 18 "Give me a break!" feature, a short segment at the end of 20/20, Stossel took on campaign finance reform, noting in the midst of several soundbites advocating it: "The press and politicians are in agreement. All the money is awful." He played a clip of John McCain asking incredulously: "Is there anybody here that thinks that we need more money in American political campaigns? I don't think so." Stossel jumped in: "Well, excuse me. I do. This
year, the candidates and parties will spend less on all American elections
than we spend on yogurt or bowling. We spend three times as much on amusement
parks. Aren't elections more important than this? Remember Gene McCarthy's
campaign? He was able to challenge President Johnson only because one rich man
bankrolled him. But his campaign would be illegal under today's rules and even
more illegal under reform. Stossel showed some clips of interest group ads, noting they'd be made "illegal under most of the proposed reforms because they name a candidate. But these ads are useful. They give us information." Stossel asked: "I can see why the politicians don't like these ads, but should they be able to ban them?" Stossel continued: "The so-called reforms would
also outlaw these voters guides published by seniors groups and religious
organizations. This is important political speech. This should be a federal
crime? What will they do next?" Wrapping up, Stossel pointed out: "In politics, money is speech. If you limit the money, you limit who gets to speak. Maybe that's why the media like reform so much. If the special interests, like the Sierra Club and the gun lobby and the unions and business speak less, it makes us more important. Give me a break!" After the taped piece ended an appalled Barbara Walters
pleaded the liberal line: "Oh, John, the media has enough opportunity to
speak, I mean, they don't need that, but doing away with these big money
interest groups is a, is a good thing because you don't have that kind of
money from one organization." For a bulletin board about this story, a full transcript
of it, as well as video of the entire story, though sans the post-story talk
between Walters and Stossel, go to John Stossel's Web page: ++ Watch an excerpt from Stossel's story plus his back and forth with Walters. Friday morning MRC Webmaster Andy Szul will post a RealPlayer clip of it. Go to:
(That's the same assessment offered on Crossfire a few weeks ago by Content magazine founder Steve Brill. See the February 11 CyberAlert.) On the show aired the night of February 22 after the
Michigan primary, Novak, in a transcript checked against the videotape by the
MRC's Paul Smith, confirmed: Host Jeff Greenfield wondered: "I want you to answer a specific question. The liberal media likes a guy who is pro-life, against federal aid to the arts and pro-defense buildup?" Novak explained: "They don't believe he means it on those things. What they think he means -- for example, let me give you a for example on tax reform. Republican Reagan conservative tax reform is trying to get rid of the system, having a flat tax or a national sales tax. His idea of tax reform is closing tax loopholes for corporations. What tax loopholes for corporations? Well, he's very vague on that. But that kind of talk really fits in to what the media is expecting."
MRC Communications Director Liz Swasey alerted me to a quote cited in a February 24 item by New York Daily News TV reporter Richard Huff. He reported on how Brokaw will host this Sunday a 8-10pm ET MSNBC "Summit in Silicon Valley," featuring a panel of industry leaders. "This is like having Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Walter Chrysler, Alexander Graham Bell and the Wright brothers on the same stage," Brokaw exclaimed. Huff relayed: "The anchorman said he pays a lot of attention to new media partly because one of his daughters is in the business. 'I was one of the Paul Revere outriders saying, 'The Internet is coming, the Internet is coming,' Brokaw said, noting that he was one of several NBC execs who were dealing with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who agreed to partner with NBC on MSNBC. A real Internet Paul Revere would know that Microsoft didn't even discover the Internet until about 1995.
And, you'll have the privilege and joy of working with me. -- Brent Baker
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