CyberAlert -- 03/02/2000 -- Tears for McCain
Tears for McCain; CBS's Crusade for More Medicare; Bush Flopped on Letterman 6) A testy exchange between radio talk show host Michael Reagan and John McCain. 7) In the late night show appearance battle it's McCain 1, Bush 0.
CBS's Phil Jones alluded to the controversy, saying "McCain is under heavy pressure to dial back on his attacks on Religious Right leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell." But only NBC's Lisa Myers explicitly noted how "McCain today appears to at least soften his latest attacks on leaders of the Religious Right," though his accompanying soundbite hardly sounded remorseful, and Myers uniquely pointed out how McCain advocate Bill Bennett thought McCain "went to far" in his attacks. The CBS Evening News launched a series of candidate profiles with McCain first up on Wednesday night. Susan Spencer admired how "his style and a heroic bio" are "sure stirring up voters." Here's a rundown of Wednesday, March 1, campaign coverage delivered by the three broadcast network evening news shows: -- ABC's World News Tonight. Linda Douglass handled
the show's one campaign story. She relayed an uplifting message about
McCain's campaign: Woman in the audience at a town hall meeting in Riverside, California: "I have to feel good about the man. Here stands a man that not only talks the talk, but did the walk." Douglass bemoaned: "McCain seems to be capturing the imagination of voters, but so far that doesn't seem to be helping him win the nomination...." After pointing out how he's only won a third of Republican votes so far and how upcoming GOP primaries won't allow Democrats to vote, Douglass noted another challenge: "Democrats may want to vote for their own front-runner, Al Gore, instead of McCain. Without huge numbers of crossover voters, McCain may fail, which is fine with Republican leaders." As transcribed by MRC analyst Jessica Anderson, Douglass asserted: "They want their party to coalesce around its front-runner, George Bush. Yet early on, they had hoped he would be the candidate who would bring in new voters. Instead he has done just the opposite, locking in the party faithful, but not appealing much beyond party lines. Today Bush insisted he will demonstrate he is a unifying figure who will begin by repairing splits in his own party caused by McCain's attacks on the Christian Right." Douglass concluded: "So far, Bush has not shown the capacity to attract all the people who are voting for John McCain." Of course you could also say McCain has not shown the capacity to attract the people who are voting for Bush, such as conservative Republicans. -- CBS Evening News featured three stories on the GOP race. Traveling with Bush, reporter Phil Jones noted how he "began his day in Georgia, clearly invigorated." Jones quickly moved to McCain, asserting that he's optimistic about his chances in California. Jones played a soundbite of McCain saying it's time to talk about Social Security and the surplus and not respond "to continued assaults on my character." Viewers also heard Bush complain about McCain's attacks, insisting that calling him an anti-Catholic bigot is "beyond the reach." Taking advantage of his employment at CBS, Jones showed
a clip of Bush's upcoming appearance on Letterman taped an hour before. (That was about the only coherent exchange. See item #7 below.) Jones concluded: "The Bush campaign is convinced it has re-captured the high road in this battle and tonight McCain is under heavy pressure to dial back on his attacks on Religious Right leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell." Up next, Dan Rather got rhythm: "With McCain looking for Super Tuesday to help him make lost ground, Ohio is one of the places he hopes to shake, rattle and roll up a victory." From Cleveland, Bob Schiefer claimed that though Bush has all the elected Republican leaders behind him, this past weekend McCain drew "enormous crowds everywhere he went from Columbus on down to Cincinnati. It made the Bush people nervous enough that they asked Bush to make another swing through the state. He did that yesterday. It went very well. Today I talked to people all over the state and they still believe now Bush will take Ohio. But they also say if McCain should falter here they think it would be the end of the McCain campaign. I would add just one thing, if you're going to pick one place where there could be an upset, I think it might be right here in Ohio." The show ended with the first of what Rather promised will be a series of "candidate close-ups" focused on character and personality. First up, a glowing profile of McCain by Susan Spencer who even managed to put a positive spin on the dislike of McCain by his Senate colleagues, the only negative she even hinted about, allowing a former aide to assert: "Senators are used to having their butts kissed." She ended her piece: "Whether or not his maverick
style would work in the White House, it's sure stirring up voters. His style
and a heroic bio, with only a few remaining secrets." Nothing wrong with such a positive profile, so long as the other candidates receive equal treatment. We'll be monitoring. -- NBC Nightly News. Anchor Brian Williams asserted that Bush and Gore now have "the big mo." Taking the opposite tack of ABC's Linda Douglass, NBC's Lisa Myers emphasized Bush's upswing and how McCain is in trouble. As transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth, she began: "Emboldened by his clean sweep, a greatly relieved and confident George W. Bush campaigns with new energy....In Georgia and later in Missouri, Bush hammers away on education reform, which he hopes will peel independents and moderates away from John McCain." After a clip of Bush she shifted to McCain:
"Shrugging off his latest setback, McCain spends a second day
barnstorming California." Viewers heard McCain claim he's optimistic
about California before Myers cautioned: When Myers finished NBC ran a piece by Claire Shipman on questions being raised about when Bill Bradley will drop out and the brewing arguments among his advisors about "key campaign mistakes."
Al Gore replied by saying, "I would not be so quick as to completely dismiss what he has to say about some of these issues" since he represents many people. "I think that he has grown," declared Bill Bradley in defending his contact. The March 1 debate, held inside the Los Angeles Times building, aired live on CNN from 6 to 7:30pm PT. Moderator Bernard Shaw took questions from the audience and via e-mail and two reporters got to pose two questions each. Los Angeles Times reporter Ron Brownstein went first, pushing the candidates to advocate more federal intervention: "Mr. Vice President, in your answers, both of you,
on the question about the Supreme Court, you each expressed a desire to see
that the laws remain adjusted to the times. In light of that, I want to ask
you about a subject that's on the minds of a lot of people here in California
and elsewhere around the country. A generation ago, to safeguard the civil
rights of black Americans, the federal government moved in and overrode a
traditional state function in terms of registering voters and running the
rules of local elections. Greenfield then posed a more challenging question: Neither candidate would disassociate themselves from Sharpton. Gore began his answer: "I do condemn the language that he used. I think that in America we believe in redemption and the capacity of all of our people to transcend limitations that they have made evident in their lives in the past..." Bradley replied: "I don't agree with everything Reverend Sharpton has said or done, but I think that he has grown. We have to allow people the right to grow. We have to allow people the right to evolve. And in the process, he has, in many cases, kept the lid on otherwise dangerous situations that were beginning to develop." Bradley added: "It sometimes takes someone that rubs a part of the population the wrong way in order to get the attention focused on the issue at hand. I view his activities in that light. As I said, there are things that he's done, things that Imagine the media reaction if a Republican applied such rationalizations to defending alliances with David Duke who, after all, represents the views of a segment of the white Southern population. While on a Bob Jones-related topic, Bob Jones the something, whichever one is President of BJU, will be the guest on Friday night's Larry King Live.
-- On the March 1 CBS Evening News, after stories on the
two shootings, Dan Rather intoned: "Appearing today before a group of
high-tech industry workers, President Clinton urged Congress to pass at least
modest measures to try to reduce gun crimes before a scheduled break for
Congress next week. Chances of that happening are slim to none, but the
President said it's high time for the Congress to do more to keep guns away
from criminals and children." That was it. No balancing counter-point. In the case of the Michigan shooting of a six-year-old by another six-year-old, the murderer's father was already in prison and the kid was living in a "flop house" full of drugs and guns. NBC's Jim Avila, in fact, reported that the gun the kid found in his house was itself stolen a few months before from a neighbor's house. The futility in such a circumstance of a law requiring trigger locks didn't deter Rivera: -- MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens caught this indignant
outburst from Rivera as uttered on the February 29 Rivera Live on CNBC:
In a Tuesday night story Diana Olick deplored how the woman in question cannot afford her medicine, although somehow she's currently managing, and then concluded by claiming that Clinton has the proper position, insisting he "may be helping more than just senior citizens" as Al Gore will benefit "if Republicans refuse to budge" since then, she stated as fact, "they'll be handing Democrats a potent weapon." Olick began her February 29 CBS Evening News report by highlighting how Bill Clinton released a study on the costs of drugs to elderly, a "calculated attempt" to spur Congress to pass his plan to have Medicare cover prescription costs for all recipients. After a soundbite from Clinton, she noted that Republicans want the benefit targeted to the poor. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott argued that Democrats want the government to pay for everyone, whether poor or Bill Gates. After explaining how "the Republican plan draws the
eligibility line at $12,750, making the majority of seniors ineligible,"
Olick related her sob story. How lazy can you get, grabbing a woman at a protest to use as your example of a typical senior in need. And, as usual, no mention of taxpayers who are burdened by the cost of these nice-sounding giveaways.
The exchange took place on the February 21 The Early Show, as described in a February 22 CyberAlert item about Gumbel and co-host Jane Clayson discussing an upcoming interview about a C-SPAN survey of historians to rank Presidents: Gumbel: "Well later on this morning we're going
to be talking on this President's Day about this presidential survey. Who
would you think finished first?" To view video of this in RealPlayer format, go to:
For the news story by Susan Jones relating what took
place, "Testy McCain Bickers with Conservative Talk Show Host," go
to: For the transcript, go to:
As later guest Candice Bergen told Letterman in suggesting Bush's team would not be pleased by how he came off: "I think you can kiss Secretary of State goodbye." I'm sure not being at the Ed Sullivan Theater contributed to the problems, as it's hard to judge an atmosphere when you are not in the room and by satellite you only hear a disconnected voice. Plus, there's the two second sound delay which leads to people talking over each other. Tonight Show viewers enjoyed a far better performance from John McCain, who bantered comfortably with Jay Leno as he told the same old one-liners and jokes he's been using for months, but they were fresh to the studio audience. We'll soon know if Bush can do better in person. Late Show Executive Producer Rob Burnett told Letterman that Bush can't appear in person on the Late Show on Monday before the New York primary because he will be in Burbank that day to appear on the Tonight Show. -- Brent Baker
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