CyberAlert -- 03/06/2000 -- The Man Inside Anne
The Man Inside Anne; Hsia Shunned More; Today's Expensive McCain Gimmick 5) CNN's Jeff Greenfield hit George W. Bush from the right on his student testing plan. 6) Tim Russert to Bill Bradley: "Why would you embrace someone like Al Sharpton?" >>> "McCain's 'So-Called' Straight Talk Express: Media
Favor McCain's Sloganeering Bus Title, But Dan Rather Chokes on 'Christian
Coalition.'" The March 2 Media Reality Check fax report is now
online, thanks to Webmaster Andy Szul. This edition by Tim Graham
contends: "One measure of the media's uncritical acceptance of the
McCain campaign spin is its unattributed use of the name of his famous
press-schmoozing bus, the 'Straight Talk Express.'" Graham contrasted
this with how Dan Rather regularly offers up such convoluted sentences as
this in order to avoid accepting the Christian Coalition as a legitimate
name: "The head of the Republican political lobbying group that calls
itself, quote, the 'Christian Coalition.'" To read this report, go
First a little warm up before getting to the big quote: Larry King: "I was just telling Anne that
I've never been kissed by a man, except Brando. Brando kissed me on the
lips." Thanks for sharing that, Larry. Actually, maybe that should be my Quote of the Weekend. Shortly after King's boast viewers heard this exchange, which features my original pick for Quote of the Weekend from Heche as she claimed she's both male and female. King: "Do you miss anything about the
male?" But there's more. Stone later poured out to Heche: "Anne is very special. She's like a little Buddha. She lives without prejudice, without bias. She can understand and accept everything in others and in herself." This prompted Heche to hug Stone. All this occurred in just one six minute segment of the one hour show.
The March 3 CyberAlert reported how the March 2 conviction of Maria Hsia on five counts of illegal funneling of campaign funds, including one count stemming from the infamous Buddhist temple event with Al Gore, was ignored Thursday night by NBC Nightly News and MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams. ABC's World News Tonight gave the development 18 seconds and it earned just 23 seconds on the CBS Evening News. (CNN and FNC aired full stories Thursday night.) Friday morning the Hsia conviction ran on the front page of both the New York Times and Washington Post. In the March 3 Post story, reporter Bill Miller summarized her transgressions and made a prediction about its impact on Gore: Political fundraiser Maria Hsia, a longtime associate of Vice President Gore, was convicted yesterday of channeling more than $100,000 in illegal contributions to Democratic candidates in 1996, including $65,000 in tainted money she brought in the day after Gore's controversial appearance at a Buddhist temple. The verdict marked one of the biggest victories yet for the Justice Department's oft-criticized campaign finance task force. It also rekindles an issue that could cause Gore problems in his quest for the presidency. Within an hour of the jury's finding, the Republican National Committee -- which had a staff worker follow the trial -- issued a statement depicting Hsia as a "small fry" target and calling on prosecutors to go after Gore and other Democratic Party leaders.... The verdict followed 10 hours of deliberations and a three-week trial in U.S. District Court in which the jury got an exhaustive education in campaign fundraising tactics and federal election laws. Prosecutors argued that Hsia deliberately broke the law to enhance her influence in the Democratic Party, collecting money from "straw donors" who were then illegally reimbursed for their contributions. END Excerpt "Rekindles an issue that could cause Gore
problems"? In newspapers, but not on the networks as National Review
Washington Editor Kate O'Beirne astutely observed in her Outrage of the
Week on Saturday's Capital Gang on CNN: Indeed, after ignoring it Thursday night the NBC Nightly News on Friday night failed to catch up with the story. Friday morning, all three broadcast networks shows refused to tell their viewers about it. Good Morning America dedicated its 7am half hour to another interview about gun control and a look at "pump and dump" schemes related to penny stock scams. CBS's The Early show focused on guns in schools in its 7am half hour and had time in its news update for a look at a robotic gas pump in Indianapolis. See item #3 for more on Today. Sunday morning, neither Gloria Borger or Bob Schieffer raised Hsia's name during interviews with George W. Bush and John McCain. Neither did Cokie Roberts or Sam Donaldson during interviews with Bush, McCain aide Rick Davis or Bill Bradley. NBC's Tim Russert did bring up her conviction near the end of his Meet the Press interview with McCain and made it the subject of his very first question to Bill Bradley. Fox News Sunday raised Hsia during the roundtable segment. On Inside Washington two media heavyweights
tried to downplay the degree of Gore's misdeeds. Newsweek Assistant
Managing Editor Evan Thomas insisted: NPR's Nina Totenberg piped in: "I don't think he probably, I certainly don't think he knowingly did. But that's undoubtedly true of Bob Dole and one of his top campaign people last time, in the middle of the campaign, had to plead guilty to major campaign finance abuses but there's no film in that case. In this case there's film at 11." If I recall correctly, the man in the Dole story was a donor, not a paid fundraiser and it did not involve an event which Dole attended. Moderator Gordon Peterson asked: "In
other words you believe that Gore thought this was all part of a community
outreach?" ![]()
Friday morning, instead of having McCain get off his so-called "Straight Talk Express" and walk into Today's street-side studio in Rockefeller Plaza, when the bus pulled up Today co-host Matt Lauer climbed aboard to conduct another technologically challenging live interview at great extra expense. As Lauer explained, in South Carolina the bus was in an open area, but all the tall buildings in Manhattan make it very difficult to transmit a live TV image. So, did Today just have the interview take place in the bus as it remained stationary? No, NBC just ordered up more helicopters so they could have the gimmick of a live interview from a moving bus. Lauer, unlike Alter last month, at least did spend a reasonable portion of the interview challenging McCain about his honesty in denying a connection to anti-Bush flyers and phone calls, but that was only after a series of softballs about the inaccuracy and questionable funding of new Bush ads against McCain and Lauer urging McCain to get back onto his winning message after being sidetracked by attacking the Religious Right. Here are the questions Lauer posed as McCain's bus cruised through Manhattan in the 7am half hour, as transcribed by MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens: -- "I know you haven't had a lot of time
to watch television since you've been in New York but I want to talk to
you about a couple of ads that are now running. The first is about breast
cancer, paid for by the Bush campaign. In it a breast cancer survivor says
that John McCain in the Senate voted against funding for breast cancer
research. What's your reaction to that ad?" ![]()
Anchor Peter Jennings opened the March 3 World
News Tonight: Douglass went right to McCain's complaint:
"John McCain told a raucous crowd in New York that he has caught the
Republican establishment red-handed, playing a dirty trick." Douglass elaborated: "For two days, people have been asking who is spending $2.5 million on an ad campaign which claims McCain sides with polluters, and portrays George Bush as a champion of clean air....The ad claims to be from a group called Republicans For Clean Air, which lists as its phone number the home of a young woman in Virginia who would not say who she worked for. The FCC was considering forcing the commercials off the air unless the group revealed who was behind it. Today Republicans for Clean Air put out a press release announcing it was formed just this week by two of George Bush's biggest contributors, Sam and Charles Wyley of Texas. The Wyley brothers insist they did not coordinate with the Bush campaign. That would be illegal." Rob Allyn, President of Allyn & Company, explained: "This is a group in formation. This is the first week of operation, so our first and primary focus was to let voters in New York, and California, and Ohio, and all across America, know about the great record that Governor Bush has about clean air." Douglass continued: "Today, Bush said he
knows the Wyley brothers but insisted he knew nothing about the ad." Douglass concluded by using a liberal group as her authority: "As for the ad itself, the Sierra Club says it is factually wrong, arguing Bush's state of Texas has one of the worst air pollution records in the country. McCain says the real issue is how the ad is paid for with those huge unregulated contributions he rails against." That's certainly the "real issue" for ABC News as well as the network compliantly produced a story matching his political agenda. ABC didn't bother pointing out that if we didn't have the current inane $1,000 donation limit Wyley could have given his $2 million directly to the Bush campaign which then would have produced an ad it would have to defend. Under the campaign finance regulatory regime Wyley had to make the ad himself without any coordination with the Bush campaign, so the Bush people didn't have to stand by its accuracy and have plausible deniability about knowing its content beforehand. Friday's CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News
also picked up on McCain's complaint, but did not devote an entire story
to it. NBC ran an unusual "In Their Own Words" segment from a
Christian conservative upset by McCain's remarks earlier in the week.
Anchor Brian Williams set up the first person narrative: Thompson contended: "I was drawn to Senator McCain because I thought him to be a man of principle, a man of courage. When I heard Senator McCain describe Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberston and the things that they had done in the political process as evil, that got my attention because frankly then Senator McCain was talking about me, as well. And about other people I know of faith who have -- has allowed and properly sowed their religion to inform animate their political actions. I didn't take Senator McCain's comments, though, personally but what struck me instantly was here's a man who doesn't understand the role of religion in the life of a society. And it was an alarm bell. John McCain may, years from now, understand that he was this close and what he decided to do for personal pique, or for some other reason was to turn on the very core foundation of this Party. Incredible blunder." ![]()
Greenfield again posed a rare media question,
pressing Bush from the right about his proposal to make states receiving
federal money show education success by subjecting students to a
Department of Education-approved test. As taken down by MRC analyst Paul
Smith, Greenfield suggested: ![]()
On the March 5 show, Russert observed to Bradley: "You have been critical of presidential candidates going to Bob Jones University, a school which tolerates, until last week, no interracial dating and some anti-Catholic language. There has been criticism of you embracing Reverend Al Sharpton in New York, a man who said that Mario Cuomo had Mafia connections, Pat Moynihan had racist theories, that former Mayor Dinkins was a whore, that the Jews should pin their yarmulkas back and come get it on, that a Jewish businessman's a white interloper. Why would you embrace someone like Al Sharpton?" Bradley replied: "Well, Tim, I haven't embraced Al Sharpton. I have gone to the House of Justice last summer to make a presentation to 600 community residents in Harlem. And I was the first Democratic primary candidate since Bobby Kennedy in 1968 to go to Harlem and make that kind of presentation. That was the venue that was afforded me by Reverend Sharpton. I don't agree with Reverend Sharpton on a lot of things. But at the same time, I took advantage of that venue." Russert countered: "People would say George W. Bush took advantage of Bob Jones' venue. And he was criticized for not challenging Mr. Jones' thinking. Why not challenge Mr. Sharpton's thinking in front of his own people?" Final Note: George W. Bush is scheduled to appear in person Monday night on NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Tune in to see if he can improve upon his Letterman show flop done via satellite. -- Brent Baker
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