CyberAlert -- 06/06/2000 -- FNC Aired Full Story on Gore's Rental House
FNC Aired Full Story on Gore's Rental House; Letterman's "Top Ten Al Gore Tenant Pet Peeves" Two quick items in this special mid-day CyberAlert to update you on coverage of the Gore tenant story:
Monday's CNN Inside Politics gave the subject 38 seconds. Otherwise, not a word about it Monday night or morning on the broadcast networks and the MRC's Paul Smith let me know it wasn't mentioned on MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams Monday night. Zilch also Tuesday morning on CBS's The Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America, MRC analyst Jessica Anderson observed, didn't raise it in a 7:30am half-hour roundtable featuring Gore and a panel of women. (Not yet checked NBC's Today, but I wouldn't hold my breath.) This follows a weekend in which the story, which AP made known on Saturday, was skipped by ABC, CBS and NBC and only earned mentions on Fox News Sunday and as Kate O'Beine's "Outrage of the Week" on Saturday's CNN Capital Gang. For an excerpt from the AP story and links to the original WTVF-TV of Nashville stories from Friday and Saturday which exposed the situation and prompted Gore's promise to correct the problems, use the link above to go to the June 5 CyberAlert.
From the June 5 Late Show with David Letterman, the "Top Ten Al Gore Tenant Pet Peeves." Copyright 2000 by Worldwide Pants, Inc. 10. Your request to fix leaky faucet has been sitting in congressional
subcommittee for eleven years. And, from the Late Show Web page, some of the also-rans because "those over-achieving writers keep producing more brilliant jokes than can fit in a Top Ten List." -- Phone only allows you to call Gore contributions hotline. Nice to see that a little reminder of Reno and Elian made it into the list in #6. -- Brent Baker
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