CyberAlert -- 07/16/1996 -- Brokaw Attacks Clinton from Left

Brokaw Attacks Clinton from Left

One item today:

Tom Brokaw challenges President Clinton from the left in the premiere of "Internight," the 8pm ET interviewshow on the new MSNBC cable network.

Here are two questions posed by Brokaw in his live July 15 interview:

Brokaw: "Let's talk for a moment about welfare. The Republicans have a bill that they think you will sign, on the Hill. It eliminates the federal guarantee of cash assistance for poor children in this country, a guarantee that we've had in place since the early 1930s. Are you prepared to have that happen?"

Clinton: "Depends on what else is in the bill."

Brokaw: "But you can foresee the possibility that we'll take away the ultimate safety net of no federal cash assistance to very poor children?"

And a couple of segments later:

Brokaw: "Mr. President, before we get back to the internet questions, I wanted to follow up just for a moment on welfare if I can. If in fact you sign the Republican bill that's likely to come down from the Hill, all the projections show that that will push, at least short term, more than a million youngsters in this country below the poverty line. That's a high risk for youngsters in this country who are already in peril."

Another network, another pile of bias to document.

-- Brent Baker