CyberAlert -- 09/04/1997 -- Diana Before Al Gore; Murdoch a Murderer?; Bye-bye Joan
Diana Before Al Gore; Murdoch a Murderer?; Bye-bye Joan
1) Wednesday's Washington Post revealed that contrary to the official Gore line, money he raised went into "hard" accounts from which funds were distributed to candidates, not just "soft money" accounts at the DNC. But, of the three broadcast networks Wednesday night, only ABC's World News Tonight told viewers about the disclosure. The Post's Bob Woodward reported in a September 3 front page story: "More than $120,000 in campaign contributions personally solicited in 1995-96 by Vice President Gore for a 'soft money' account not covered by federal law instead went into a 'hard money' account subject to federal election limits.... "The distinction is significant because Attorney General Janet Reno has cited the absence of evidence that high-level government officials sought hard money donations as a key reason not to recommend appointment of an independent counsel to investigate fundraising activities for last year's elections." Though the fourth night of evening news broadcasts since Princess Diana's death, ABC and CBS devoted more than half their evening shows to the tragedy and related stories. The CBS Evening News in fact dedicated all but 48 seconds to Diana. NBC Nightly News actually spent less than half its show on Diana. The extra time allowed NBC to run a story on....JonBenet Ramsey! ABC's World News Tonight on September 3 dedicated 13 and a half minutes of its 22 minute show to Diana Spencer. Between those stories ABC squeezed a story from Linda Douglass on the Post revelation on how money Gore raised went to individual campaigns and that the Justice Department is now considering the appropriateness of an independent counsel. Total time for the intro from Peter Jennings and the Douglass piece -- 1:47. NBC Nightly News allocated a mere ten a half minutes to how Diana is still dead and related stories, less than half their newscast. Of course, that also gave NBC time for a 2:10 story on the release of the text of the JonBenet ransom note. That's about the same amount of time NBC gave to a Tom Brokaw/Tim Russert segment on Al Gore. In the 2:20 long segment Russert announced that the Justice Department had taken the first of three steps necessary along the path toward appointing an independent counsel and that the Senate hearings on Thursday will examine Gore's role in the fundraiser at the Buddhist Temple. But, Russert made no mention of the Post's "hard money" discovery that had prompted the Justice action. It's All Diana, All the Time. Or, to play off the all-news radio promo, at the CBS Evening News it's "Give Us 22 Minutes and We'll Give You the World of Diana." CBS allocated all but 48 seconds of Wednesday's Evening News to the "People's Princess." The show led with a seven minute-long "exclusive" interview by Dan Rather with photographer Jacques Langevin. He was in the tunnel after the accident, but claims he was not pursuing the Diana-mobile. Referring to what he saw as Diana departed the hotel, Rather inquired in tabloid style: "Did you think she looked particularly beautiful or tired or any reaction to how she looked through the lens?" Moving on to what he saw at the crash scene, Rather inquired: "Could you see her?" and "Could you see her breathing?" On a special 48 Hours at 9pm ET/PT last night CBS ran a longer version of the interview. Here's the entirety of the
17-second CBS story on Gore, as intoned by Dan Rather: 2) So, if the paparazzi are to blame for Diana's death, who created the paparazzi? The September 3 CBS Evening News provided the answer: Rupert Murdoch, the man the media establishment love to hate. Dan Rather announced: "What about the businessmen, the media moguls of tabloid sleaze who pay these photographers big bucks for what they do? Correspondent Richard Threlkeld has been investigating this undercovered part of the story." Threlkeld focused on just one businessman: "Until Murdoch the paparazzi business was just small potatoes." Andrew Neil, of the European newspaper in London, asserted: "In this country, Murdoch set new rules. He was prepared to pay big money for these pictures." Threlkeld: "Murdoch stuck the pictures on the front pages of his London tabloids, The Sun and News of the World. He made a fortune and used it to buy the New York Post, TV Guide, 20th Century Fox, Fox TV and Sky TV." Neil: "There would be no Rupert Murdoch empire in America if it hadn't been for the money from the Sun and the News of the World in Britain." At least it's reassuring that CBS is maintaining a higher journalistic standard than Murdoch and not making Diana takeover 95 percent of their newscasts. Oh, they did do that didn't they? Well, then at least CBS isn't topping its premier show with a prurient interview with a photographer about what he saw of Diana's body inside the car wreck. Or building a prime-time special around it. Oh, sorry, CBS did that too. Okay, at the very least CBS doesn't foist any of Murdoch's disreputable news services upon the American people. Oops, forgot about the CBS embarrassment Saturday night. While ABC and NBC intermixed their own live coverage with video from the BBC, CBS was so cheap it had sent everyone home for the weekend so didn't give affiliates anything until 90 minutes after ABC and NBC. But at least at that point the affiliates were able to showcase some top-notch CBS News coverage. Not quite. I remember now, they had all gone to the Hamptons. So for hours CBS relayed a feed of Britain's Sky TV, owned by, by, what's his name, oh I'll remember it, by that Australian guy Rupert Murdoch. Yeah, that's his name. 3) With the Senate fundraising hearings resuming on Thursday, here are a couple of interesting notes about scandal coverage over the last couple of weeks: ABC and CBS have yet to tell their viewers about the charge by Johnny Chung that Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary traded donations to her favorite charity for meetings with her. See the August 20 and 21 CyberAlerts for details on the disclosures made in Tom Brokaw's interview with Chung aired on the August 19 NBC Nightly News and Dateline. MRC news analysts Gene Eliasen and Steve Kaminski report that ABC's World News Tonight and Good Morning America and the CBS Evening News and This Morning never uttered O'Leary's name in the past two weeks. ABC and CBS blew off O'Leary, and NBC skipped the Al Gore story last week. While the August 27 World News Tonight and CBS Evening News both aired full stories on how the White House admitted Gore made dozens more fundraising calls than previously claimed and the DNC acknowledged that not all were charged to the DNC, MRC news analyst Geoffrey Dickens noticed that NBC Nightly News did not air a word about the concessions. In the August 27 World News
Tonight piece, ABC's John Donvan insisted: Reporters were "clamoring"? Checking the MRC's Media Tracking System through August 26, the total number of World News Tonight stories aired since March on Gore's fundraising: Zero.
From the March 1994 MediaWatch: National Nanny. Is government spending on child care the best determinant of its quality? According to Good Morning America co-host Joan Lunden, the best Governors "put their money where their mouth is." On February 10, Lunden showcased Working Mother magazine Editor Judsen Culbreth, and her list of "Governors who get it." These Governors, all Democrats, included Bruce King (N.M.), Barbara Roberts (Ore.), Gaston Caperton (W. Va.), Roy Romer (Colo.) and Evan Bayh (Ind.). Culbreth listed her six "worst" states for child care: "Alabama, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Virginia." The problem? Not enough government. Culbreth claimed "They have lax standards, very little regulation, and they put little money behind child care."...When Culbreth concluded "the federal government has given $2.5 million dollars to the states to implement programs," Lunden interjected: "We'll end on that good note there." From her May 30, 1996
interview with the Children Defense Fund's Marian Wright Edelman a few
days before its Stand for Children march which demanded more spending
programs: On the April 28, 1997 GMA
from the Volunteer Summit in Philadelphia Lunden suggested to Colin
Powell: A few more Lunden Liberalisms in the Friday CyberAlert. -- Brent Baker