CyberAlert -- 09/18/2001 -- Dan Rather's Patriotic Fervor
Dan Rather's Patriotic Fervor; MRC Has Taped 1400 Hours of Network Coverage; Time's Case for Rage; Newsweek: "God Bless America"
Rather wondered: "Who can sing now, with the same meaning we had before, one stanza of that that goes 'so beautiful for patriot's dream, that sees beyond the years, thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears.' We can never say that song again, that way..." Rather's appearance on the somber Late Show, the first produced since the terrorist attacks, came after Letterman opened the program with a very emotional chain of thoughts. It was quite a contrast to the standard liberal political carping which Bill Maher espoused at the top of ABC's Politically Incorrect as Maher pivoted off the attacks to rail against missile defense, religious believers of all faiths and drug laws. Rather generated applause for praising President Bush as "Giuliani-esque" for looking "the camera straight in the eye, unblinking" and saying: "Osama: Dead or alive." Rather later sounded ready to sign-up for the war effort as he declared: "George Bush is the President. He makes the decisions, and, you know, it's just one American, wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me where. And he'll make the call." MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth took down a few
quotes from Rather's appearance. Letterman started by asking what had
happened during the day. Rather replied: A couple of minutes later Rather promised: "But I couldn't feel stronger, David, that this is a time for us, and I'm not preaching about it, George Bush is the President. He makes the decisions, and, you know, it's just one American, wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me where. And he'll make the call." As for why the U.S. has not yet struck back, Rather wisely counseled: "There's a saying in the Far East. Revenge is best served cold. Which is to say, wait your time, take your time. It's also, Rudyard Kipling wrote, that the law of the jungle is, you never lose your temper. Well, we're past that. We've lost our temper. And I'm sorry I've shown [emotion] so clearly here tonight, but there's a rage within in all of us that has to be sort of tempered while we take care of business." ++ Rather video. Rather's noteworthy comments and breakdowns are spread apart over the lengthy two-segment appearance, so I'm not even quite sure yet what to highlight, but on Tuesday morning the MRC's Mez Djouadi will post a RealPlayer clip of a portion of Dan Rather's appearance on the Late Show. After 11am EDT, go to:
An excerpt: For once, let's have no "grief counselors" standing by with banal consolations, as if the purpose, in the midst of all this, were merely to make everyone feel better as quickly as possible. We shouldn't feel better. For once, let's have no fatuous rhetoric about "healing." Healing is inappropriate now, and dangerous. There will be time later for the tears of sorrow. A day cannot live in infamy without the nourishment of rage. Let's have rage. What's needed is a unified, unifying, Pearl Harbor sort of purple American fury -- a ruthless indignation that doesn't leak away in a week or two, wandering off into Prozac-induced forgetfulness or into the next media sensation (O.J.... Elian... Chandra...) or into a corruptly thoughtful relativism (as has happened in the recent past, when, for example, you might hear someone say, "Terrible what he did, of course, but, you know, the Unabomber does have a point, doesn't he, about modern technology?"). Let America explore the rich reciprocal possibilities of the fatwa. A policy of focused brutality does not come easily to a self-conscious, self-indulgent, contradictory, diverse, humane nation with a short attention span. America needs to relearn a lost discipline, self-confident relentlessness -- and to relearn why human nature has equipped us all with a weapon (abhorred in decent peacetime societies) called hatred.... END Excerpt To read Morrow's essay in full, go to:,9171,1101010914-174765,00.html
In the week since the attacks the MRC has kept 16 VCRs going nearly around the clock to tape the three cable news networks 24 hours a day and the three broadcast networks nearly as much, with some double taping of key hours. Plus, approximately 16 hours a day of C-SPAN and CNBC, not to mention PBS at night. So far we've used 210 six and eight-hour VHS videotapes. That totals about 1,400 hours of broadcast and cable network news coverage.
-- Several readers have suggested that PBS's Louis Rukeyser confused Stanley Baldwin with Neville Chamberlain. The September 15 CyberAlert had quoted Rukeyser, who expressed gratitude that no one is "throwing Israel to the wolves as we did Czechoslovakia, a country that, to paraphrase Britain's pre-war Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, seems far away and remote from our practical interests and understanding." -- The September 14 CyberAlert reprinted Canadian Gordon Sinclair's 1973 radio commentary, "The Americans." To read it: I've since learned that in addition to the Web page I cited, Sinclair's Toronto radio station has posted an article about it and the CFRB Radio Web page features both RealPlayer and mp3 clips of the original commentary as broadcast on June 5, 1973. Go to: Final thought. It's a new media world. "God Bless America" proclaims the headline on the cover of Newsweek over the now famous photo, taken by Bergen Record photographer Thomas Franklin, of firemen raising a flag at the site of the World Trade Center rubble. Let's hope that kind of media attitude endures. -- Brent Baker