Ed Schultz's ObamaCare Demands: 'The Apology Should Be Coming from Conservatives'
Another MSNBC host demanded that conservatives apologize to the President for the failure for ObamaCare – not the other way around. Ed Schultz on Monday fumed, "The apology should be coming from the conservatives. The conservatives should be apologizing for having no plan." [MP3 audio here.]
Bypassing the issue of the President's untrue statement– that if Americans like their health insurance, they can keep it – Schultz attacked, "They [conservatives] should be apologizing to the 50 million Americans who have been without insurance because, damn it, they've been sick!"
The anchor interpreted Obama's comments last week as a non-apology: "He's apologizing? That's kind of not how I saw the interview. The way I saw the interview was the President was apologizing for the inconvenience that people are having to go through to actually go to a policy where they're going to get some real coverage."
On Friday, Schultz's MSNBC colleague Michael Smerconish condescendingly explained, "The facts are that many of the same people that feel betrayed now will be thanking the President later."
Using words that Schultz would later imitate, Smerconish wondered, "As Republicans revel in the President's comments, we should ask who should offer the real apology here?"
A partial transcript of the November 11 Ed Show segment is below:
ED SCHULTZ: I want the to talk about President Obama's interview with Chuck Todd last Thursday where it was reported in the media that the President has apologized to all of those people out there who were losing their insurance. Really? He's apologizing? That's kind of not how I saw the interview. The way I saw the interview was the President was apologizing for the inconvenience that people are having to go through to actually go to a policy where they're going to get some real coverage.
The apology should be coming from the conservatives. The conservatives should be apologizing for having no plan and no option for any of the people you've just seen illustrated on this program, and they should be apologizing to the 50 million Americans who have been without insurance because, damn it, they've been sick! The Republicans continue their ruthless tactics of lying about ObamaCare. And they are so strong and so influential, they have even infiltrated the Sunday talk shows. You know what you get on Sunday talk shows now? A bunch of conservative crap. You get the truth here on the Ed Show with people who are out in the workplace telling their stories about what is happening to ObamaCare.
— Scott Whitlock is Senior News Analyst at the Media Research Center. Follow Scott Whitlock on Twitter.