Five Days Before Election, Sit-Com Producer Uses CBS to Publicize Anti-Romney/Anti-Republican Rant

Chuck Lorre, executive producer of three sit-coms on CBS (The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Mike & Molly), used the ends of two of his shows Thursday night to tease an online diatribe ridiculing Mitt Romney’s “magical underwear” as part of a series of questions mocking right of center policies, such as: “What does it say about us when we export democracy with Hellfire missiles, then restrict the right to vote here?”

In his more vulgar language, he also asked: “What does it say about us when we completely forgot the colossal shit storm we were in four years ago?” His answer to all of his questions: “We are fucking crazy.”

Lorre displays a “vanity card” at the end of his shows with his rants about life and reported Friday that he “used Thursday night’s Big Bang Theory card to rant about presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the current state of the Republican party.”

But “the card never made it to air. Lorre published the card on his website instead, noting that he’d opted for self-censorship.” The card viewers saw, which also appeared at the end of Two and Half Men:

(by myself)

I’ve decided to save everybody a lot of unhappiness and not submit this week’s vanity card to the CBS censors (I know when I’ve crossed the line with these things and don’t need a bunch of corporate lawyers getting their cotton blend panties in a bunch). Accordingly, I’ve banished the offending card to that dark place where all my offending cards go - the internet.

(Larger image of what CBS viewers saw Thursday night)

The text of the “self-censored” card as posted online by Lorre:


What does it say about us when we are simultaneously pro-life and pro AK-47’? What does it say about us when God’s will would allow a rapist to ask for shared custody and child support payments? What does it say about us when a black guy’s in charge and we say things like “it’s time to take America back”? What does it say about us when we think the institution of marriage is threatened by gay people who love each other, but not by idiotic game shows like The Bachelor? What does it say about us when we export democracy with Hellfire missiles, then restrict the right to vote here?

What does it say about us when we build nuclear submarines to defend against exploding vests? What does it say about us when we think a guy who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, keeps his money offshore, stubs his toe and says “H-E-double hockey sticks” and wears magical underwear can feel our pain? What does it say about us when we demand less government and more FEMA? What does it say about us when we completely forgot the colossal shit storm we were in four years ago?

The answer, my friends, is not blowing in the wind.

The answer is, “We are fucking crazy.”

Lorre is trying to generate publicity for his new book collection of his vanity cards, What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Bitter, which retails for $100 – hardly a price best-suited for the 99 percent.

-- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Brent Baker on Twitter.