NBC’s Brian Williams Trumpets Bob Dole’s Criticism of GOP as Too Conservative
Once again demonstrating the NBC Nightly News is the broadcast arm of MSNBC, anchor Brian Williams – matching what has animated MSNBC hosts – devoted a segment to former Senator Bob Dole railing against the modern Republican Party; ie: conservatives.
With “Fighting Words” on screen, Williams on Tuesday night highlighted comments neither the ABC nor CBS evening newscasts found newsworthy, how the 89-year-old “made it clear in a rare interview this weekend the GOP of his day is unrecognizable. He thinks they should pause, rebuild and start over.”
After a clip of Dole from Fox News Sunday, Williams touted how Dole agreed with a media theme: “Dole said Reagan would not have made it in the current-era GOP.” Williams also relayed that “he considers himself a mainstream conservative Republican.”
Bob Dole was many things and earned respect for a long and powerful career despite a serious war injury, but he was never a conservative.
(Dole’s take on Reagan was prompted by interviewer Chris Wallace who had asked if Reagan could “make it in today’s Republican Party?”)
Williams, naturally, ignored Dole’s downbeat assessment of President Barack Obama: “I think as a President, he lacks communication skills with his own party let alone the Republican Party. And he’s on the road too much.”
(Also, nothing Tuesday night about any Obama scandal on ABC, CBS or NBC.)
From the Tuesday, May 28 NBC Nightly News:
BRIAN WILLIAMS: We heard from Bob Dole this weekend, now 89 years old. The former Senate Leader, Kansas Senator, decorated World War II veteran and presidential candidate, has been largely out of public view at times fighting ill health, but his fighting spirit is clearly undiminished. He made it clear in a rare interview this weekend the GOP of his day is unrecognizable. He thinks they should pause, rebuild and start over.
BOB DOLE, FOX NEWS SUNDAY: I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors: “Closed for repairs until New Year’s Day next year.” And spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas.
WILLIAMS: Dole said Reagan would not have made it in the current-era GOP and he considers himself a mainstream conservative Republican.
-- Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center. Click here to follow Brent Baker on Twitter.