Sour Andrea Mitchell: Paul Ryan as VP Is 'Not a Pick for Women' or 'Suburban Moms'
Minutes after Paul Ryan was introduced as Mitt Romney's vice
presidential nominee, Saturday, a sour Andrea Mitchell dismissed the
choice: "This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a pick for women."
Playing off the GOP congressman's first speech as the presumptive
nominee, Mitchell lectured, "I think that you're going to see that they
[Team Romney] have decided that this is a base election."
The liberal anchor for MSNBC worried that Ryan was "talking about what the base wants to hear." [MP3 audio here.]
She said of his speech: "He talked about rights coming from God and they don't come from government."
A transcript of the August 11 exchange during live coverage is below:
9:52am EDT
ANDREA MITCHELL: I think that you're going to see that they've decided that this is a base election.
MITCHELL: This is not a pick for suburban moms. This is not a pick for women. This is a pick for the base.