
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Laugh Similarity Between Joni Ernst and Disney Villain

On Friday's CNN Newsroom, Brooke Baldwin played up the apparent similarity between Senator-elect Joni Ernst's laugh and that of Cruella De Vil, the antagonist from Disney's 101 Dalmations. ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Lemon: 'Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interests' With ObamaCare?

CNN's Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, and Alisyn Camerota stuck to the left's spin about the results of the 2014 midterm elections on Thursday's CNN Tonight, as they discussed President Obama's Wednesday ...
Media Research Center

Maddow Blasts Dems for Allowing GOP to Control 30 State Legislatures; ‘Do You Guys Have a Catch-Up Plan?’

At the conclusion of her MSNBC show on Thursday night, Rachel Maddow was absolutely beside herself over the fact that Republicans made massive gains in state legislatures across the country and ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Republicans Have Drawn Their Own Battle Lines' By 'Doubling Down' On ObamaCare Repeal

In a report for Friday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Kristen Welker continued the network's effort to preemptively blame Republicans for any gridlock that may occur in Washington ...
Media Research Center

IRS Admits They Never Looked for Lerner's Missing Emails, Networks Skip Revelation

On November 5, Judicial Watch announced that the IRS admitted “that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the ‘missing’ emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS ...
Media Research Center

Nets Predicted Republican Doom With Hispanics, Yawn at GOP Surge

For years, liberal journalists have been predicting Republican doom with Hispanics, declaring that rage from the growing ethnic population would result in a permanent GOP minority. NBC's Matt ...
Media Research Center

NBC Plays Up Both Sides as 'Digging In'; Ignores Obama's Coolness to GOP Policy Goals

On Thursday night, NBC Nightly News played up the current political state of affairs in Washington as both Republicans and Democrats having “dug in” to their policy preferences, but focused only ...
Media Research Center

Cordes Hypes New Conservatives on Boehner's 'Far Right Flank' as Destructive on Illegal Immigration

During Thursday’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, Nancy Cordes continued to disparage conservatives, as she referred to some of the newly elected House of Representatives members as being to ...
Media Research Center

ABC Dismisses Conservative Joni Ernst's Ad as 'Downright Bizarre'

Covering the midterms on election night, Nightline anchor Dan Harris huffed that Senator-elect Joni Ernst's 2014 campaign commercial was "downright bizarre." As the returns rolled in and it became ...
Media Research Center

Only NBC Notices Rand Paul's Midterm Meme #HillarysLosers

Of the three network morning shows on Thursday, only NBC's Today highlighted Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's viral social media meme, #HillarysLosers, which pointed out that every Democratic ...
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