
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Plays Up GOP 'Impediment' to Obama Nominee in Ebola Response

CNN's Alisyn Camerota promoted a liberal talking point about the Obama administration's response to the Ebola outbreak on Friday's New Day, as she interviewed Rep. Jason Chaffetz. Camerota ...
Media Research Center

Far-Left Celebrity Russell Brand Is 'Open' to 9/11 Trutherism

Liberal celebrity Russell Brand on Thursday announced he's "open" to the idea that the United States government may have been behind the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks. Talking to a ...
Media Research Center

O'Reilly Cites 'Stunning' MRC Study on Nets Ignoring Midterms; Carville Tries to Dismiss It

On his Fox News show Thursday night, host Bill O'Reilly cited the Media Research Center study on the network evening newscasts censoring coverage of the 2014 midterms: "Eight years ago, the ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Continue to Ignore Report on Violent Illegals; Cover Real Housewives Jail Sentence, Marlins Fan Instead

On Thursday night, ABC and NBC continued to make no mention of a damning report by USA Today that the Obama administration covered up the release of illegal immigrants from prisons who had ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Carol Costello Apologizes for Laughing at Assault of Bristol Palin

After being “roundly criticized” for laughing at audio of Bristol Palin’s account of being assaulted by a man and thrown to the ground, CNN’s Carol Costello issued an apology to the Palin ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Frets: Will Canada 'Discriminate' Like U.S. After 9/11?

Talking to a Canadian member of Parliament on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell wondered about the threat of bigotry in that country's reaction to a terrorist shooting. Comparing Canada to ...
Media Research Center

CNBC's Harwood Reacts to MRC Study, Excuses Media Silence on Midterms

On Thursday's Squawk Box on CNBC, host Joe Kernen cited the Media Research Center's latest study showing the Big Three network evening newscasts have barely noticed the anti-Obama midterm election ...
Media Research Center

NBC Skips Harsh Report on Violent Illegals, Makes Time for Horror Films

ABC and NBC on Thursday ignored a shocking new report from USA Today that the Obama administration has covered up the release of illegals involved with rapes and murders. Only CBS This Morning ...
Media Research Center

Rosie O'Donnell Uses Canadian Terror Attack to Push Gun Control

Liberal View co-host (and 9/11 truther) Rosie O'Donnell wasted no time on Thursday in taking the shooting in Canada and spinning it into a plea for gun control in America. The comedienne cited a ...
Media Research Center

NBC Covers UNC Academic Fraud Scandal, Yet Skipped Academically Fraudulent Democratic Senator

Throughout the entire plagiarism scandal involving Democratic Senator John Walsh (Mont.), the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have combined for only one story in the form of a news brief ...
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