
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

MSNBC: 'A Lot of Damage' to Christie 'Regardless' of Being 'Cleared' of Wrongdoing

On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Friday, host Andrea Mitchell noted that "Chris Christie has been cleared by the federal investigators of any allegations" in the George Washington Bridge ...
Media Research Center

Billy Crystal Remembers the Time Robin Williams Realized Michael Dukakis Was a Loser

On Thursday’s Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, comedian Billy Crystal reminisced about Robin Williams and recounted a hilarious moment, way back in 1988, when his longtime friend and fellow ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Assailed Christie as New Nixon, Skips Clearing

When the Bridgegate scandal engulfed Chris Christie in January, MSNBC's Chris Matthews went wild, repeatedly comparing the controversy to Watergate. On Thursday afternoon, federal officials ...
Media Research Center

NPR Hypes Political Fallout from "Bridgegate" Scandal, Ignores Christie Innocence

Talk about tone deaf at National Public Radio. On Thursday’s All Things Considered, NPR reporter Don Gonyea ran a segment on Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) traveling to New Hampshire to campaign ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reveals Latest Poll on Scandal-Plagued Administration...Of the NFL

On Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer brought on political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd to discuss the latest NBC News/Marist poll on a major American institution being ...
Media Research Center

NBC Continues Miniscule Coverage of Gov. Christie Innocence But Jumped At Initial Allegations

On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice told NBC News that Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) was innocent of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge. ...
Media Research Center

Vets Walking Almost 300 Miles to Demand Action on Jailed Marine; Networks Ignore

On Wednesday night, it was reported that two Marine Corps veterans are walking from northern North Carolina to Washington D.C. and the White House to demand that President Obama take action to ...
Media Research Center

Double Standard: NBC Gives News Christie Innocent In Bridgegate Scandal Only 38 Secs; Devoted Nearly 5 Mins When Scandal Broke

An enormous development in the Bridgegate scandal broke late Thursday afternoon when federal officials reported that they have cleared New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) of any wrong-doing ...
Media Research Center

Gallup Poll Shows All-Time Low In Public Confidence In Media

The pollsters at Gallup reported Wednesday that Americans' confidence in the media's ability to report "the news fully, accurately, and fairly" has dropped to its previous all-time low of 40 ...
Media Research Center

Tapper to Jay Carney: Be 'Frank' About Middle East; Carney Blames Bush on Iraq

On Wednesday's The Lead, CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pull former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney out of acting like an apologist for President Obama. Tapper turned to his guest, who had just ...
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