
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Continues Blackout of Latest ObamaCare Rulings

On Tuesday, July 22 ObamaCare was dealt a mixed bag via two different rulings from federal appeals courts. At issue is the constitutionality of IRS tax subsidies given to individuals who purchase ...
Media Research Center

CBS News Relegates Latest In IRS Scandal To Its Website

On Tuesday, July 22, CBS News’ Stephanie Condon got around to reporting that the IRS may in fact be able to recover Lois Lerner’s missing emails despite previous claims that they were permanently ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Ignore Conflicting Court Rulings on Future of ObamaCare Subsidies

On Tuesday, July 22, two federal appeals courts ruled in different directions over the constitutionality of tax subsidies given to individuals who purchase health insurance through the federal ...
Media Research Center

The View Crew: Stop Trying to Shame Hillary with Bill's Mistresses!

The women of The View are sick and tired of people using Bill Clinton’s mistresses to get in the way of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions. At the top of Tuesday’s show Whoopi Goldberg ...
Media Research Center

Brian Williams Grills Netanyahu, Then Touts Hamas Calling Him A 'War Criminal'

In an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu aired on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams hyped how the Israeli Prime Minister was "under increasing fire for the civilian deaths we've ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Ignore Upcoming VA Secretary Confirmation Hearing; Will Networks Cover News Tonight?

ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning both ignored the news Tuesday morning that President Obama’s nominee to become the next Secretary of the scandal-ridden Department of Veterans ...
Media Research Center

ABC Derides Perry's Border Move: 'Not Needed' and Comes With a 'Hefty Price Tag'

All three morning shows on Tuesday worried about Governor Rick Perry's "controversial," expensive move to send the National Guard to the Texas border. But it was ABC's Good Morning America on ...
Media Research Center

S.E. Cupp's 'View': 'Discipline Was Necessary' Against CNN and NBC Reporters With Anti-Israel Bias

Appearing as a guest on ABC's The View on Monday, CNN Crossfire co-host S.E. Cupp – who is reportedly in talks to join the daytime talk show – told the hosts it was justified for CNN ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Gov. Rick Perry Sending National Guard to Border

On Monday, July 21, Texas Governor Rick Perry announced he was deploying up to 1,000 National Guard troops to the Texas-Mexico border to help deal with the ongoing crisis of thousands of illegal ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Ignore IRS Official Saying Backup of Lois Lerner’s Emails May Not Exist

On Monday, IRS deputy associate chief council Thomas Kane told the House Oversight Committee that he is unsure whether or not backup tapes of the lost Lois Lerner emails exist. Despite the ...
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