
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Continues To Omit Term ‘Illegal Immigrant’ When Discussing Border Crisis

Ever since the border patrol began sending hundreds of illegal immigrants from Texas to the town of Murrieta, California, despite opposition from local residents,the folks at NBC News have ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC: The Place to Question the Patriotism of Republicans

MSNBC analyst Howard Dean appeared on Now With Alex Wagner, Wednesday, to question the patriotism of Republicans. Discussing Barack Obama's attack on the congressional GOP, Dean sneered: "I'm ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Protests in Hong Kong; CBS and ABC Cover, But Won't Label Chinese Govt. Communist

NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong on Tuesday. That day, ABC's World News labeled the demonstration "one of the largest marches in Hong ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Downplays Poll Showing Obama Worst Modern Prez; Hyped Same Poll When Bush Was Worst

A Quinnipiac University poll published on July 2 found that 33 percent of Americans view President Obama as America’s worst modern President, compared to 28 percent who picked George W. Bush. ...
Media Research Center

VA Blackout: ABC, NBC Skip Veteran Being Approved for Treatment Two Years After Death

The network disinterest in the Veterans Affairs scandal intensified on Wednesday. NBC and ABC ignored the story of a man whose treatment was approved – two years after death. CBS This Morning ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Damning Report on ObamaCare Enrollment Problems

On Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, all three broadcast news networks and the two largest Spanish language evening network newscasts refused to cover disturbing news regarding ObamaCare. Two ...
Media Research Center

CBS Promotes Liberal Activist: Her ‘Rallying Cry... Define[d] the Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama’

July 2 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act and on Wednesday CBS This Morning used the event to highlight liberal labor activist Dolores Huerta. CBS correspondent ...
Media Research Center

NBC Promotes Twitter Handle for Illegal Immigrants: #RefugeeRiders

On Wednesday morning, NBC’s Today went beyond avoiding using the term “illegal” to describe the immigrants being bussed from Texas into California but the Peacock network has created a Twitter ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Fail to Use the Term ‘Illegal’ In Story On Illegal Immigrants Being Bused Across Country

On Tuesday, all three network evening newscasts hyped a protest in Murrieta, California where residents objected to busloads of illegal immigrants being sent to their town to be processed by ...
Media Research Center

89 Percent of Network Stories Omit Obama's Role in Causing Border Crisis

While all three networks played clips of Barack Obama on Monday blaming the GOP for the border crisis, they have been reluctant to cite the President’s own failure to enforce immigration laws ...
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