Business Articles

Public Radio: Low Taxes = Sick Children

'Marketplace' segment furthers idea that higher taxes are needed.

CBS Downplays Costs, Advocates Company's 'Elder Care' Benefits

'Evening News' says cost is 'just $15 a day,' urges workers to ask for more benefits.

Faulty Caffeine Story Jolts CNN's Desire for Government Regulation

Report misstates age on warning label as '16' when video clearly shows it's 18.

Rich Man, Poor Man

Elementary, My Dear President

Not everyone makes the same amount of money, but that doesn't mean the government should act to abolish 'income inequality.'

ABC Puts Emotionally Involved Reporter on Hurricane Insurance Story

Dismissing industry facts, Robin Roberts admits her mother has a claim against one of the companies.

ABC Reports New Autism Study Finds Genetics, Not Toxins, to Blame for Rise in Cases

But network failed to remind viewers it gave Robert Kennedy a soapbox about mercury as cause for disease.

CNN Puts Responsibility for Minorities' Advancement on 'Corporate America'

'In the Money' says businesses are doing a poor job of 'diversity.'

ABC Wages Misleading War on Cancer Funding Cutbacks

'World News' warns lives could be lost, acts as though federal cancer research cut off - but in reality, story covers nonprofit organization.

Media Operate in Concert with Gore's Music Plans

Print, broadcast ignore hypocrisy of a 'green' event that could pollute every continent.

ABC Slams State Farm as 'Greedy' Neighbor for Suspending Policy Sales in Mississippi

Reporter Chris Cuomo ignored industry argument that 'groundless' lawsuit by the state's attorney general created a hostile business environment.

This Valentine's, Diamonds Have It Rough

News media use "Blood Diamond" movie to tarnish the industry's reputation.

Remember Social Security?

Grassroots support of personal retirement accounts is strong as reform resurfaces in Bush's 2008 budget - but Democrats are pulling out of the discussion.

Post Changes Its Tune on Sallie Mae Stock Sale

Reporter notes Democrats smell insider trading, but he left out facts he first reported four days earlier before congressional leaders called for investigation.

NY Times Insists Economy Isn't as Good as It Appears

Reporters rely on discredited housing bubble storyline, comparison to tech bubble of 1990s.

Time: On Global Warming, 'The Price of Inaction Will Be Enormous'

Magazine once again tries to tell readers that climate issue is settled.

CBS's Harry Smith: Is Al Gore a Prophet?

Reporter gives former vice president a worshipful interview, suggests Gore could have done more if he were elected president.

Philadelphia Inquirer Finds No Eatery Owners Complaining About Trans Fat Ban

Reporters cite restaurant owners as pro-regulation, but had ditched trans fats long before the new law passed.

Fortune Magazine Slams Coal Company, Praises Alliance Between Big Biz, Enviros

Reporter Marc Gunther pits TXU coal company against 'pro-business' green groups that oppose nuclear energy and favor tax increases.

'American Morning' on Yo-Yo Diet of Obesity Hype

Twice this week, the CNN show has scoffed at anti-sugar crusades as silly or over-the-top, a departure from its usual reporting on the 'obesity epidemic.'

ABC's Avila Throws Book at Wal-Mart over Class Action Case

Reporter leaves out argument that 9th Circuit ruling flies in face of standing precedent and could hurt business.

Repeat Offender: NBC's 'Law & Order: SVU' Slams Businessmen in February Sweeps Show

In 2006 study, crime drama was found to blame businessmen for nearly 50 percent of show's felonies.

Media Fired Up About U.N. Global Warming Report

News reports eagerly promote global warming, predict catastrophe and selectively silence climate experts.

Hillary Clinton: 'Hugo Chavez in a pantsuit'

Democratic presidential candidate wants to 'take' oil profits to fund her own projects.

ABC Pushes Democratic Complaints of Defense Crowding Out Domestic Spending

Reporter Jonathan Karl ignores conservatives who point to entitlement spending as real danger to taxpayers.

CNN Reporters Won't Take Professor's Word on Middle Class

The economy is strong, but 'In the Money' panel looks for every negative possibility, pushes liberal talking points.

CNN Reporter Complains of Billions Spent on Iraq

Joshua Levs cites only left-leaning budget items as missed opportunities.

CNN's Velshi Argues Boosting Minimum Wage Could Boost the Economy

Business reporter says higher-paid workers will spend more, but fails to take into account lost jobs, lost hours, lost profitability from businesses.

Post's Givhan Continues Complaint about Skinny Models

Writer attacks industry for thin model preference, but could just as well gripe about customers who drive the New York market.