Business Articles

CBS Rolls Out a Tough Look at Skating Sneakers

The Early Show skates around parental responsibility in look at Heelys.

ABC Shows Why You Shouldnt Drive 55

A week after pushing speed cameras, World News Tonight shows how dangerous it is to drive slow.

Hugo The Boss

Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman

Hugo The Boss: Executive Summary

Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman

Hugo the Boss

What Did Fannie Mae Know and When Did She Know It?

Washington Post reports Raines, Gorelick knew of accounting practices early on, but glosses over their ties to Democrats.

NBC Stacks Deck Against Wal-Mart

Report lists left-wing grievances about retailers health benefits, with no free-market advocates to answer.

Media Ignore Democratic Ties to Fannie Mae Scandal

Papers largely bypass Franklin Raines service in Clinton White House but focused on Enron ties to Bush.

Oops! They Did It Again

NY Times, CNN sling mud at businessman Pickens charitable gift, calling it a controversy even though actions were legal and school benefits from the gift.

The Last Days of Disco and Dubai

Fear Mongering about foreign investment should be a passing fad.

ABC Speeds through Traffic Camera Story

Reporter Miguel Marquez adopts governments safety reasoning, ignores the taxpayer money trail.

Media Whine, Consumers Win

Wal-Marts critics, led by unions and the media, are waging an all-out assault on the free market that keeps our countrys economy thriving.

Dobbs Places Ports in a Storm of Coverage

CNN program dredges up the same issues as before, but cant find an opposing viewpoint.

Wal-Mart: Always Under Attack. Always.

Worlds most successful example of free-market retailing doesnt go unpunished, as media attacks continue on many issues.

American Morning Comes Down with the Flu

CNNs Soledad OBrien warns of a pandemic virus despite evidence to the contrary.

CNN Prescribes an End to Free Medicine Samples

In the Money crew fails to identify doctor as pro-socialized medicine, though he thinks the free market is what ails health care in America.

60 Minutes Has Visions of Waterworld

CBS reporter drowns out dissent in one-sided climate change piece.

Turning Japanese? The Post Sure Thinks So

Front page article lauds energy savings that have many freezing in their homes.

Diamond In the Rough

USA Today report on coal mining jobs breaks the medias negative mold on the industry.

From the Mouths of Babes... to the Pockets of Oil Execs

Times reporter pits oil profits against anti-poverty initiatives.

CNN Anchor Worries Ports Outsourced to Terrorists

Lou Dobbs Tonight hypes fear, excludes defenders of Arab port company

CNNs In the Money Continues Love Affair with Class Warfare

Host calls CEO pay mind-boggling; guest adds that its disgraceful.

Cable Firms Prefer One Choice Theirs

Customers faced with channels for every interest except for those who want to pay a la carte.