Business Articles

Obesity Coverage: Give or Take 75,000 Deaths

The media cant seem to get the CDCs updated obesity statistics straight.

News Coverage Skews View of Social Security Reform

Networks deliver liberal talking points and then the media wonders why support for personal accounts isnt stronger.

Large Tax Increase Not Newsy Enough for Media

Major outlets ignore Democratic Congressmans Social Security proposal that would raise the payroll tax.

Biased Accounts: Part II - Truth About Social Security Reform Lost in Transition

Networks cite red-herring costs of personal accounts without explaining what they mean.

Paper Tigers Take Bite Out of American Dream

Three major newspapers attack traditional economic views and show support for the welfare state.

Getting Personal over Personal Accounts

Business Week attacks the ownership society with scare tactics and liberal talking points.

Investing for Dummies

When it comes to managing money, the L.A. Times says were all dummies. The next step in the logic is for Social Security to stay the same to protect us from ourselves.

New Book Features Business & Media Institute

Herman Cains They Think Youre Stupid points out media problems with biased reporting and poor economic coverage.

Paul Krugmans Serious Drug Problem is based on bad statistics

New York Times economist continues papers reliance on incorrect information about drug research costs.

Positive Job Growth Continues Will News Coverage Improve?

Two straight years of positive employment numbers and more than 3 million new jobs but those facts havent stopped the media from finding negativity in the strangest places.

Networks Play Up Energy Politics, Ignore Real Costs

Energy reports blame Bush for gas prices, misinform about oil refining and encourage fear of nuclear power.

Media Jump on Social Security Cuts to Obscure Details of Bush Plan

Washington Post, New York Times herald benefit cuts while news networks dismiss President Bushs sales pitch.

Biased Accounts: Executive Summary

Networks Guarantee Liberal View of Social Security

Biased Accounts

Networks Guarantee Liberal View of Social Security

Post Paints FDR as Moderate on Social Security

Story focuses on different legislative styles of Bush and Roosevelt. It then ignores enormous differences between then and now.

When Greenspan speaks

Post, Times dont even come close to agreeing on what Fed Chairman has to say.

CDCs Numbers Collapse Under Weight of New Study

Analysis finds estimates of obesity deaths 14 times higher than reality.

Super Size Me Star Continues Anti-Food Attack

Morgan Spurlock overate himself into stardom and took a bite out of McDonalds at the same time. Now hes got a TV show, and its sure to be offensive.

BBC Bothered by Capitalism in Afghan Capital

Reporter details the dangers of free market economics because landowners make a profit.

CBS Plays the Victim Card and Takes It to the Bank

Evening News criticizes controversial new fee after man overspends his account

Discovery Channel Blows Its Top and Its Credibility

Network focused on devastating impact of true story of Yellowstone volcano that just hasnt happened yet.

Government-Sponsored Enron: Executive Summary

Billion-Dollar Scandal Not Ready for Prime Time

Government-Sponsored Enron

Billion-Dollar Scandal Not Ready for Prime Time

Networks Hound Burger King for Launching Enormous Sandwich

ABC and NBC shake their collective finger at the naughty peddlers of the new Omelet Sandwich.

CBS Evening News Wakes Up to Find Non-profit Gets Funding

Report criticizes National Sleep Foundation for drug industry financing, but ignores backing for Public Citizen, as well as its own advertisements.

CNNs Global Warming Special Typifies Liberal Bias of Climate Coverage

Reporter Miles OBrien presented viewers with a one-sided story that only a Kyoto supporter could love

Apples and Oranges: Media Wrongly Equate Galveston Pension Plan with Bushs Social Security Reform

Journalists are dismissing the idea of personal Social Security accounts by twisting the facts about a private pension plan in Texas.

ABC Manufactures Anti-Cookie, Anti-Free Market Story

If youre eating the Girl Scouts Thin Mints, beware: the food police watching.

TIME Embraces Bad Economics That Blame America for World Poverty

By giving one economist its recent cover story, TIME failed to look critically at demands for more government spending abroad and the reality of how much the U.S. already gives in foreign aid.

ABC Uses Old Interview for One-Sided Trade Story

ABCs World News Tonight offered up a painfully one-sided view of U.S. trade in its March 11 broadcast.