Business Articles

Analysis: Ford CEO 'Green' Road Trip to Cost $23,000 in Lost Wages

CNBC's Macke determines pricetag of Mulally trip from Detroit to Washington via hybrid vehicle a total of $23,485.

Dear USA Today: Companies Are Not 'Big Brother'

Economic competition 'discovers' what consumers like better than media or politicians.

Michigan Mayor Says No Auto Bailout Will Mean Depression

Virg Bernero says letting Big Three 'fall by the wayside' will 'hurt national security.'

Dear NY Times: Initiative, Not Government, Creates Prosperity

When the state takes over meeting the needs of individuals people become less resourceful.

Cramer: Depression Comparisons are 'Scare Tactics'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host backtracks on Depression warnings, urges calm amid recession.

Obama Supporters Like Capitalism After All

From commemorative issues to $35,000 rentals, the left is having a free-market field day.

Dear NY Times: U.S. Economy Overflows with Outliers

Free markets give unprecedented opportunities to many.

New York Times Parties 'Like It's 1929'

Times continues media theme of another Great Depression.

'Nightly News' Spins 'Black Friday' Increase as Bad

NBC downplays 7.2 percent hike in holiday sales; previously called sales on the day after Thanksgiving 'a giant barometer on the true state of the economy.'

Automakers, Unions Play 'Defense' to Get Bailout

Failing manufacturers claim taxpayer rescue is necessary on national security grounds.

Networks Gloss Over Geithner's Past, Ignore Criticism

Broadcast journalists pave way for Obama's Treasury Secretary by praising history, forgetting involvement in Lehman collapse.

Air America President Dismisses Deficit Spending as 'Rhetoric'

Liberal talk radio head Mark Green says balanced budgets only 'politically real.'

NBC Laments Bush's Last-Minute Oil Shale Maneuvering

Correspondent Lisa Myers cites actor Robert Redford to prove energy strategy a threat.

Bloomberg: Chocolate's the Cure for Economic Woes

Financial reporter shows cocoa commodities directly correlated to unemployment rate.

Cramer's Flip: Obama Treasury Pick Once 'Disaster,' Now 'Smooth Hand'

Tim Geithner, admonished by CNBC 'Mad Money' host before selection now only subtly criticized.

'Evening News' Shows How Green Innovation is Done -- Without Government

Car designer able to create marketable "green" automobile without help from government or large auto manufacturer.

CNN Fights the Free Market Argument

Ali Velshi of 'Your $$$$$,' says critics of regulation could meet 'in a phone booth.'

Velshi Gives Viewers Harsh Dose of Reality on Economic Policy

CNN chief business correspondent warns 'free' market economy may lose freedom, is skeptical of 'fake' green economy.

Dear WSJ: Governments Are Little Different Than Pirates

Like Somali bandits seizing ships, governments seize property under threat of personal harm.

Networks Start Cheerleading for 'New-New Deal'

Evening news shows have no room for skepticism when there's an economy to nationalize.

'Nightline' Shuns Balance While Blasting CEOs.

ABC's Brian Ross doesn't let fairness get in the way of good have vs. have-not story.

Fox Biz Anchor 'Frustrated' by Misuse of TARP

Alexis Glick says unpredictability of Treasury's bailout is affecting markets.

'Today' Unveils 'Water Footprint' Alarmism

NBC morning show obsesses over resource, compares H2O to financial crisis.

Networks Downplay Union Factor in Auto Manufacturing

CBS, NBC contrast foreign automakers' facilities with beleaguered Big Three, but ignore union causes of turmoil.

Investor Warns Dollar Rally Coming to an End

President of Euro Pacific Capital tells CNBC's 'Fast Money' recent rally in U.S. dollar unsustainable, will soon collapse.

Dear Globe: Spending Santas Will Stay Jolly

Elected officials give pork indiscriminately to the nice on their list.

Michael Moore Proposes Gov't Takeover of Autos; Good Riddance to Capitalism

Controversial filmmaker blasts free market system for carmakers failure, says federal control would produce mass transit and hybrid cars.

Early Thanksgiving: Gas Goes Below $2 a Gallon

Price of unleaded drops more than 50 percent in just four months.