Business Articles

RFK Jr.: Quitting Carbon Use Like 'Abolishing' Slavery

Environmentalist's 'manifesto' in Vanity Fair issues call to 'decarbonize' entirely.

Voters Don't Care about Global Warming - but They Should

In what's become Earth Month, the media press on as though it's Public Issue No. 1.

ABC's Ross Blames U.S. Gun Industry for Mexican Drug Violence

'World News' goes undercover in gun stores on U.S. side of the Mexican border to bash Second Amendment.

Gaiag Me with a Spoon

No subject, not even Barack Obama and the New Camelot, inspires reporters to drop any pretense of balance and objectivity like the Environment.

Paramount Spokeswoman: 'No Plans' for 'An Inconvenient Truth' Sequel

Publisher says Gore's 'Path to Survival' book with planned release of April 22 pushed back until Spring 2009.

Nightline Uses Math Mistake in Gas Price Attack on Bush

Anchor Cynthia McFadden incorrectly reports gas price increase while trying to pin blame on the administration.

Time Editor Defends Doctoring Iwo Jima Photo, Calls Objective Journalism 'Fantasy'

Stengel says global warming fight just as important as World War II. On journalism rules: We're 'making it up as we go along.'

Newsweek's Clift Shows Eco-Elitism on McCain Gas Tax Holiday Proposal

Columnist tells MSNBC's Joe Scarborough gas tax holiday is a bad idea because it 'abandons environmental consciousness.'

My Big Fat Green Wedding and Other Media Nonsense

National Public Radio kicked off Earth Week with a series of conversations about food's footprint. That's right. Put down that cheeseburger and listen.

Time Magazine Still Unrepentant Despite Veteran Complaints

Spokesman calls use of iconic Iwo Jima image a 'respectful use of this symbol of American valor and courage.'

ABC's Artificial Turf Scare: 'Virtually a Hazardous Waste Dump'

'World News' report claims artificial turf poses a chemical threat despite no cases of health problems ever reported.

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

Time editor tells MSNBC 'there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.'

ElectionWatch: Newsweek Devotes 18 Pages to Fawning over 'Green,' Including Candidates' Credentials

Newsweek praises Obama's 'thrilling' speechmaking, looks for the 'greenest candidate' for president and spews tons of global warming alarmism.

ABC, CBS Ignores Zero Deaths, Fewer Airline Crashes

Only NBC reports on zero-fatality year for air travel industry after the three networks pound airlines for delays and higher fares.

When Media Aren't Ignoring Controversial Evolution Movie, Expelled, They're Hostile

New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times discussed Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth at least three dozen times before the documentary was released. Ben Stein's Expelled? Two mentions.

Media Myth: Nine Worst Business Stories

(of the Last 50 Years)

'World News' Reports Only Opposition to Airline Merger

ABC excludes several key senators' support for Delta/Northwest merger in report about government hurdles.

CBS Embraces Left-Wing Talking Points When Following Taxpayers' Money

'Evening News' commemorates Tax Day 2008 de-emphasizing entitlements, calling some spending of taxpayer money 'relative bargains.'

ElectionWatch: NBC on McCain's Proposed Tax Cuts: It 'Doesn't Add Up'

'Nightly News' finds everything wrong with the presumptive GOP nominee's economic plan and nothing right.

Vieira Asks Another Airline CEO for Impossible 'Guarantee'

'Today' co-host asks for a guarantee Delta Air Lines would not raise fares or reduce services in wake of airline merger.

ElectionWatch: Krugman Recycles Story His Own Paper Debunked; Then Apologizes

Liberal columnist repeated a disproved Clinton talking point to promote the need for socialized medicine five days after his own newspaper disproved it.

Networks Report Zero Upside to Delta/Northwest Merger

Evening news shows ignore positives of industry consolidation for consumers and improvements in long-term stability of the industry.

CNN Shows a Better Way to Handle Potential Foreclosure

'Issue #1' segment a sharp contrast to April 3 'World News' report on how to cheat on your mortgage.

Former CBS Anchor Blames Deregulation for Deterioration of TV News

Roger Mudd claims TV has become too dependent on pictures and has very little optimism for the future of TV news.

Ethanol Being Blamed for Global Food Riots

New York Times columnist praised by Pulitzer board for 'clarity of vision' didn't foresee global food shortages that resulted from the realities of his vision.

Harry Smith Says Tax Refunds Are 'Too Much'

'The Early Show' host 'stunned' by average refunds while financial expert explains rebates and refunds and encourages financial responsibility.

NY Times Praises Soros as 'Prophet'

Profile downplays far-left philosophies and praises his unreliable predictions of economic turmoil.

Wash. Post Editor Says He Can't See a Time When There Won't Be a Print Edition

Sixteen-year veteran editor Leonard Downie admits he is concerned about the future for mid-size market papers.