Business Articles

Time Shills for Global Warming Alarmist Site

Bryan Walsh warns readers to visit because it 'might give you a last glimpse of a dying polar world.'

Typical Media Victims Still Not Typical

New York Times profiles wealthy families and a family in an extreme situation to exaggerate foreclosure 'crisis.'

'Nightly News' Rails Against Coal Over Climate Change -- Again

NBC airs one-sided segment against a new coal-fired plant, which would bring jobs to a beleaguered Nevada economy.

Obama Spokesman: Government Mandates Don't Work

Co-chairman of liberal presidential candidate's campaign admits government-mandated health care just isn't feasible.

Doves vs. Oscars

What do the Academy Awards -- and mainstream media movie critics -- have against family-friendly films?

ABC: 'Blame' Inflation on the 'Price of Wheat'

Network ignores correlation between government mandates which have created artificial demand for bio-fuels and inflation 'spike.'

Ratings Gimmick Trumps Environmental Concern on 'Today'

NBC morning hosts and crew 'vacation' in Vermont and Florida, forgetting previous calls for 'green' living.

Newsweek's Alter on Clinton: 'One of the Worst Run Campaigns in Modern Political History'

Magazine's senior editor says being uninformed is your own fault; says CBS demise caused by lack of cable news outlet.

Post Business Columnist Wishes for Economic 'Burn'

Steven Pearlstein exemplifies media desire for economic hardships and 'harsh and vengeful solution.'

ElectionWatch: Networks Downplay Earmarks, Despite Millions Spent by Clinton and Obama

Print outlets and CNN report findings from budget watchdog, but study completely ignored by CBS.

Populist 'Outrage' Forgets People Behind American Business

Clinton and Obama want to stick it to The Man - but just who is The Man?

Missing: Media Criticism of OPEC

After oil spikes above $100 a barrel, condemnation of OPEC's decision to put less oil on the market nowhere to be found.

Networks Forget Raul Castro's 'Economic Reforms' Include Drug Running

ABC says younger Castro could bring changes to Cuba even though they reported he was 'head of a major cocaine smuggling conspiracy' in 1990s.

Dobbs Rants About Product Safety Chief's Comments

CNN host calls CPSC commissioner 'imbecilic' after she claims 'safety is not a trade issue.'

CNN Targets Gun Web Sites

Following college murders, reporter goes after company that has 'shocking' connection to two big shootings.

Charles Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians,' Likes Obamanomics

Former NBA star appears on CNN's 'The Situation Room' and says he is supporting Obama for economic reasons.

'Today' Ignores Necessity of Airline Merger

Delta/Northwest merger portrayed as bad for consumers even though it could be in the best interest for both airlines.

Head to Head: Media Turn to Greenspan When Bernanke Says No Recession

Fed Chairman's persistent 'no-recession' forecast isn't good enough for media who stick with 'bleaker' headlines.

Motion Picture Association Chief Wants 'Healthier' Food in Theaters

Former Agricultural Secretary Glickman carries on fight from the Clinton administration about what we eat.

Reuters Story Makes Outlandish Claim: U.S. Depression a Likely Possibility

Report raises the prospect of the U.S. government being forced into buying American stocks to avert an economic crisis.

CNN Correspondent Asks 'Where We Are in This Recession'

Ali Velshi's report indicates recession is already underway as he looks to Bernanke and Paulson for answers.

Hillary, Queen of All Media

How top American journalists kowtowed to Candidate Clinton.

Former S.F. Mayor: Obama Will Face 'Pushback' from Supporters

Brown says candidate will find resistance on issues like 'income inequality.'

Consumer Confidence: Only News When It's Low(er)

Just how low is consumer confidence - or how high? The media have historically focused on low reports while ignoring highs - and their own role in shaping opinions on the economy.

Sen. Kerry Blames Tornadoes on Global Warming

Former Democratic presidential nominee blames 'intense storms' that have killed more than 50 on climate change.

Surprise: Despite Bleak Predictions, Retail Sales Climb in January

Even with 0.3 percent increase, 'Morning Joe' co-host remains convinced that economy is 'heading' for downturn.

Enviro Shocker: Biofuels Production Contributes to Warming, Studies Say

Two studies show clearing land for biofuel production will do more harm than it would prevent.

'World News' Jumps to Criticize 30-Day Foreclosure Freeze

Left-wing organization spokesman calls program unveiled by U.S. Treasury Dept. 'a PR effort.'