
Video: Rick Santelli - Free Market Champion and Tea Party Instigator

On the one-year anniversary of Santelli's famous rant, BMI looks back on his free market advocacy on CNBC.

Mark Levin: Obama 'Biggest Disaster in Modern American History'

Radio host says U.S. would be out of recession, but president 'smothering the private sector.'

Curious Argument for Socialized Journalism: Gov't Subsidies Helped End Slavery

Left-wing 'media reform organization' Free Press makes case for $30 billion to prop up struggling profession.

GMA: It May be Better to Walk Away from Your Mortgage

Got mortgage debt? Why honor your obligations?

'Power Lunch' Guest Says No to Greek Debt, Warns All Governments Will Default

Marc Faber tells CNBC that market turmoil caused by Europe is a 'correction,' praises soundness of emerging economies.

NBC Feeds Toyota Fears; Ignores Government's Conflict of Interest

Toyota safety incidents are rare and the transportation secretary's boss owns a competitor, but you'd never know it from 'Today.'

Scarborough Shows Low Taxes = Low Unemployment in New Hampshire

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' host draws a parallel between tax rates and unemployment by comparing state to Rhode Island.

Is GM Owner Federal Government Playing Politics with Toyota Recall?

Media overlook Obama administration Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

Cramer React to Speech: Notes Nat Gas Ignored by Obama; Defends Geithner

CNBC 'Mad Money' host calls President's nuclear overtures 'boilerplate,' insists embattled treasury secretary not a 'joker.'

CNN's Romans Includes Criticism of 'Anti-Business' Obama

Business correspondent connects the dots between Dow drop and Obama's proposed bank rules.
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