12/5/2008 9:10 AM ET
'World News' investigative reporter attends 'lavish art festival' to attack UBS.
12/5/2008 8:43 AM ET
'Street Signs' host says Banking Committee ranking Republican knows bailout will probably happen.
12/4/2008 3:59 PM ET
Rick Stengel finds 'unsympathetic' bailout opponents to be 'amazing.'
12/4/2008 2:33 PM ET
Front page business profile doesn't mention two-year stint with troubled government sponsored enterprise.
12/4/2008 1:59 PM ET
Controversial filmmaker says 'capitalism doesn't work;' accuses 'wealthy' of collecting 'as much silverware as possible' before Obama sworn in.
12/4/2008 9:04 AM ET
'Tale of Two Plants' segment details Hyundai's lower costs of production versus Big Three.
12/3/2008 3:05 PM ET
Unlike most other coverage, 'Today' segment highlights UAW contracts as 'albatross' for Big Three.
12/3/2008 2:11 PM ET
Pro-intervention economist and Nobel Prize winner tells 'Good Morning America' viewers that trillions more could be spent to fix the economy.
12/3/2008 1:30 PM ET
In last six months, 65 percent of days when Fed chairman speaks show market declines, including three of worst drops in history.
12/3/2008 12:20 PM ET
Broadcast journalists marginalize increased turnout, spending; focus on downbeat angles of holiday shopping.